The Singapore Parliament will sit at 12:30pm on Monday, 2 September 2019, for the 109th session of the 13th Parliament. *71 oral questions and 35 written...
The Times of India reported that on 20 Aug, the new Andhra Pradesh municipal minister Botsa Satyanarayana hinted that the state may drop Amaravati and choose...
A total of 5,599 cartons and 9 packets of assorted duty-unpaid cigarettes were discovered hidden in boxes and concealed in the cargo of fibre sponge mattresses...
工人党昨晚举办国庆晚宴,与阿裕尼以及后港选区居民同乐。新加坡前进党秘书长陈清木,也偕同该党党要一同捧场工人党活动。 陈清木在最新的脸书贴文分享,祝贺工人党活动圆满举行,也表示和该党议员有愉快的交流,工人党秘书长毕丹星,还邀请他试喝特制的“蓝铁锤”鸡尾酒。 毕丹星则在脸书分享,他甫从泰国曼谷回来,昨早即回到其选区的友诺士与社区年长者交流;出席同僚阿裕尼集选区议员费沙的选区活动。 他也在脸书贴文分享与陈清木的合照,感谢后者出席。