Two people were confirmed dead on Wednesday as heavy rains pounded southwest Japan, prompting flood and landslide warnings and orders for 870,000 people to seek safety....
Foreign businesses in China are ill-prepared for the tough sanctions and constant surveillance demanded by a social credit system to be rolled out this year, a...
Thailand may become the first country in Southeast Asia to legalise same-sex unions as the country’s parliament inches towards passing a draft Bill that will enable...
Ride-hailing giant Grab said on Wednesday it will invest $500 million over five years in Vietnam, the company’s latest expansion in a key Southeast Asian market....
“If Singapore is going to remain relevant and competitive, we don’t have much of a choice, we must open up our political system and let power...
On the heels of a dismal economic growth prediction this year and even the prospect of a looming recession, Singapore firms also may accumulate more bad...
After National University of Singapore gave an unsatisfactory reply with regard to its huge reserves currently stood at $9.5 billion (‘NUS asked to explain fee increases...
The dispute between two-time marathon champion Soh Rui Yong and executive director of Singapore Athletics (SA) Syed Abdul Malik Aljunied continues as the runner has now...
Investment director at Singapore’s Invesco Ltd, Jalil Rasheed, is poised to take over as Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia’s biggest state-owned fund, Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB),...
赶不上地铁却硬扯!今日地铁站上演了惊险的一幕,一名女子因赶不上列车,而徒手将月台屏门硬掰开,导致她卡在列车门与月台屏门中间,一度无法动弹,最后靠着列车内的乘客将列车们推开,才让他脱困进入到列车里。 一名网友将这段闭路电视画面上传至All Singapore Stuff的脸书专页,从视频中并无法准确地点,但画面上显示一名女子以小跑冲进车厢内,身后跟随身穿红衣黑裤的女子,在月台屏门关门之际赶达列车,但未来得及赶上,在月台屏门正在关门时,他试图将门掰开,双手先是被月台屏门夹到,她缩回双手,但仍不放弃,终于成功将门打开。 月台屏门打开,但不代表女子就可进入车厢,当时列车门已完全关闭,结果红衣女子被困在月台屏门和列车门之间的缝隙中,无法动弹,而车厢内的乘客才反应过来,上前将车厢门打开,最后才使得女子脱困进入车厢内。 不过,当时车厢门和月台屏门又再重新打开,导致列车无法前进,几名地铁职员前往查看,最后再事情发生后约一分多钟左右,列车才缓缓驶离地铁站。 网友在帖文中形容女子竟然能徒手掰开门进车厢,并揶揄女子“真的很强”。视频上传后,就获得8700分享以及33万左右的观看次数。网友纷纷谴责红衣女子的危险行为,不仅将自己置于险境,也耽误了行程。 网友Tan Shimin : 应该要罚款,真的不考虑别人,这样做不仅仅是伤害自己也导致列车延误 网友 Toni Orwin:应该要拘捕她,如果他在这场意外中意外身亡,这样就会是列车的错 网友Zack:这种“安迪”真的…他们应该把她拉出来然后罚款她,第一这并不好笑,第二这是关于安全问题,应该给一封警告信之类的,想想看这是一名少年,一定会被拉到旁边 网友Robson Chris:应该要对这个阿姨罚款,要他不要再犯 部分网友则呼吁不要有这种危险行为,因为地铁是由电脑化运行,一旦感应错误将会发生严重意外 网友JanetGoh :阿姨,门已经关上为什么还要进去,你知道这很危险吗?如果你是赶时间,就请你提早到,请不要重复 网友Raja Muhammad Iqrak:我在等系统故障,因为那个阿姨改变门的感应器 网友 Mohammed...