In the wake of the Hyflux debacle, insurance company Raffles Health Insurance (RHI), wholly-owned subsidiary of Raffles Medical Group (RMG), is reportedly attempting to recover medical...
Taiwanese-based Singaporean activist and blogger Roy Ngerng Yi Ling took to his Facebook on Monday (26 August) to slam the Government for not increasing locals’ salaries...
At the recent National Day Rally on Aug 18, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced that the retirement age will go up from 62 to 65...
People’s Voice Party (PVP) chief Lim Tean, alongside PVP’s “Shadow Cabinet” members Leong Sze Hian and Nassir Ismail, paid what he has dubbed a “courtesy visit”...
The Government will propose changes to the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act next week in an effort to tackle the spread of extremist views and other...
Malaysia will be providing free breakfast to all primary school children with the start of the new school year in January 2020. According to MOE numbers,...
这五年来作为先得坊(Centrepoint)主力租户的零售连锁店美罗百货公司,随着时代书局(Times Bookstores)和添宝珠宝行(TianPo Jewellery)等数个租户宣布搬出后,美罗也在近期宣布将于下个月关闭该旗舰店。 据《海峡时报》报导,该公司将不会续租,本地只保留百丽宫(Paragon)购物中心和长堤坊的两间零售店。 “近年来,美罗一直在合理化其零售业务,以应对万变的市场条件……美罗将继续专注于本地和印度尼西亚的核心零售业务,以及房地产投资和发展。” 要搬迁的商店,如时代书局和添宝珠宝行则进行着搬迁促销活动。 商场的低人潮流量或许是美罗决定撤出的原因。 据悉,在过去三个月内,已有包括翡翠小厨(Crystal Jade Kitchen)和教育玩具公司The Better Toy Store在内等四个租户迁出先得坊商场。 网民:失去昔日荣耀 有零售专家认为,不论是先得坊或美罗,都没有跟上新生代的喜好。 一些网民形容,先得坊仿佛失去了昔日荣耀,认为或许该商场的地理位置不适合;有者指出,这反映现今的经济状况,高租金加上现今网购崛起,也令许多业者面对极大压力。 其中一名网民感叹,先得坊在80、90年代是青少年的聚集地;罗敏申百货是主要租户,每逢圣诞那地方就打扮得像童话故事般。她也怀念那美好的80、90年代,认为过去的乌节路才是最棒的。 有网民也回应,还记得过去新年倒数,乌节路会封路,每个人都能在街道上载歌载舞。 “怀念先得坊过去的灯饰” 有网民也形容,过去先得坊的圣诞花灯装饰总能卫冕冠军,艳压群芳: Rossa Anand表示怀念以前80年代,在临近圣诞节时,坐在先得坊的露天饮食中心,吃着粿条,数着驯鹿上的灯火,当时的美罗是如此繁华: 网民Shahlan分析,地价过高,只有大品牌商家有能力承租,结果去到每个商场,看到的都是同样的品牌商店;SC Tung则分析先得坊快要被313@Somerset和Orchard Central商场取代 ...
Starting from tomorrow (28 August), eligible Japan and South Korea passport holders will be able to pass through immigration faster when they arrive in Singapore, said...
After operating for five years at The Centrepoint, Metro Department Store is all set to close its flagship store at the mall next month. Prior to...
Changi Airport’s oldest and biggest tenant is withdrawing from its liquor and tobacco concession on June 2020, when its lease expires. DFS Group has been selling...