(Image by Akhmad Dody Firmansyah / Shutterstock.com)

Singapore Airlines (SIA) has issued a warning that travellers should refrain from bringing some older models of Apple’s 15-inch MacBook Pro with them as they travel.
In a statement on their website on Sunday (25 August), the airline referred to Apple’s recent recall of a limited number of those older generation laptop models which were sold primarily between September 2015 and February 2017, saying that laptops that haven’t been verified as safe cannot be brought on board.
It said, “Customers are to refrain from bringing the affected models either as hand-carry or in checked baggage until the battery has been verified as safe or replaced by the manufacturer.”
On June 20, Apple recalled a ‘limited number’ of their older generation laptops due to batteries that were susceptible to overheating. Following the tech company’s announcement, the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) promptly issued a ban on those models of Apple laptops on all flights. In a statement, the agency said “The FAA is aware of the recalled batteries that are used in some Apple MacBook Pro laptops, and added that the FAA has alerted airlines about the recall.
Owners of 15-inch MacBook Pros are directed to check their laptop’s serial number on the Apple website to determine if it is affected by the recall. Apple, in its statement, assured users that the recall does not affect other units or Mac notebooks.

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