Local long-time actor, Bai Yan had passed away at the age of 100.
It was disclosed that the China-born artist passed away on Monday (August 19) at 3am in the morning.
Bai Yan has acted in many local Chinese TV shows, naming a few are Son of Pulang Tekong (1985) and Pretty Faces (1991) and most famous for his portrayal of the “Tudigong”, the local deity featured in the Chinese fantasy dramas.
Bai Yan was born in Wuhan, China, in 1920. He married Ye Qing, a local actress, after meeting each other in 1944, and had three children together. Their love was ‘written in the stars’. Woefully, Ye Qing passed away in 2016 at the age of 94.
Before World War II, he came to Singapore to partake in a Chinese dance troupe. Then, in the ‘50s and ‘60s, he made his name by performing acrobatics and magic tricks.
In 1996, the actor won a well-deserved ‘Red Star Award’ Lifetime Achievement Award for his role in acting. He then continued his acting career for another 11 years.
Bai Yan is well-known as someone who is fully devoted in his career. “He does all this (performing) not because of fame or money. He is not only serious about stage, he is also someone who is not afraid to suffer or lose out,” said director Jalyn Han regarding Bai.
In May, the actor had celebrated his 100th birthday with his close friends at a Chinese restaurant, with a guest list of 100 local artists who turned up at the locale.

Fans and netizens share sorrow and grief to the passing of Bai Yan, who is a leading light in the field of the entertainment world. He will be greatly missed.

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