Airport Departure Board Information at Changi International Airport in Singapore. Changi Airport serves more than 100 airlines operating 7,000 weekly flights. (Image by J. Lekavicius)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has issued a travel advisory to all Singaporeans to defer any non-essential travel to Hong Kong in light of protests that have roiled the city which shows no signs of slowing down.
The advisory publish on their website on 16 August said that the large-scale protests that have taken places since June 2019 have become “increasingly unpredictable” and that protests can happen with little or no notice and turn violent.
Highlighting the recent protests which affected the Hong Kong International Airport which resulted in the cancellation of many flights in an out of the city on 12 and 13 August leaving travellers stranded, the Ministry advised Singaporeans to avoid travelling to Hong Kong given current developments.
For those already in Hong Kong, the MFA advises taking all necessary precautions to ensure personal safety.
The advisory said, “You are advised to stay vigilant, monitor developments through the local news, and heed the instructions of the local authorities.”
MFA refers travellers to the Hong Kong Police Force’s social media accounts on Facebook ( and Twitter (@hkpoliceforce) updates on the protests and to for information on traffic arrangements.
The advisory adds, “You should avoid protests and large public gatherings, and stay in touch with your family and friends so that they know you are safe.”
Singaporeans in Hong Kong are also encouraged to register with the MFA online at so that they can be contacted if necessary.

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