It has been reported that Choa Chu Kang Town Council has lodged a police report after a China’s national flag was displayed at a HDB block.
Choa Chu Kang Town Council told the media today (7 Aug) that the Chinese flag, which was displayed at Block 489B of Choa Chu Kang Avenue 5, has been taken down.
Some residents had earlier taken a picture of the flag and posted on Stomp. The Choa Chu Kang Town Council was also alerted by residents.
As it is against the law to put up foreign flags, the town council has no choice but to make a police report as it is deemed as the “person-in-charge” of the HDB premises. By making the police report, the town council covers itself by showing that it did not “knowingly permit” the display of the Chinese flag.
A spokesman of the town council replied to the media that as the matter is currently under police investigations, he would not comment further. Apparently, the Chinese flag was on display since Monday.
Under the National Emblems (Control of Display) Act, any person who displays any foreign flags or being “the owner, tenant, lessee, occupier or person in charge of any premises” knowingly permits the display of any foreign flags on or from those premises “shall be guilty of an offence”.
However, exceptions are made for persons duly accredited as diplomatic representatives of a foreign power or as consular representatives of a foreign power to Singapore where authorization has been granted by the Government.
Also, the Minister may also, by order published in the Gazette or by a permit in writing, allow the display of any foreign flags specified in the order or permit, and that order or permit may “regulate the manner of that display and the period during which that display may be permitted”.
Those found flouting the rules could be jailed up to six months, fined up to $500 or both.

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