Protesters rallying against extradition bill in Hong Kong. (Image by May James /

The anger over the Hong Kong government’s controversial extradition Bill is far from being quelled as protestors battled the police in late-night clashes that took place in the heart of the city on Sun (21 Jun).
South China Morning Post reported that the Hong Kong police’s Special Tactical Squad deployed tear gas and rubber bullets against protestors in black — who retaliated with umbrellas, bottles, bricks and poles — at the main road near the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal.
Protestors had reportedly deviated from the original route of their march — from Causeway Bay to Wan Chai where the police headquarters is situated — earlier during the day on Sun as many had gone to Admiralty, Central and Sheung Wan respectively to demonstrate.
The Beijing Liaison Office was not spared from the protestors’ wrath as they threw eggs at and spray-painted graffiti on the office walls, including the national emblem.
One protestor, however, told Reuters that the line was drawn at breaking into the office, as doing so “would be the death of Hong Kong”.
A Hong Kong government spokesperson condemned the protestors’ act of “maliciously besieging and storming” the “Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (CPGLO)” in a statement on Sun.
“The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government strongly condemns the protesters who blatantly challenged the national sovereignty by maliciously besieging and storming the CPGLO building as well as defacing the national emblem,” said the spokesperson, adding that the Office “has constitutional functions”.
“The HKSAR Government will deal with these acts in a serious manner in accordance with the law,” the spokesperson added.
The spokesperson also highlighted an incident where dangerous goods and offensive weapons including strong explosives and petrol bombs were discovered by the police in relation to the protests, following which three men were arrested in what Superintendent Alick McWhirter of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit dubbed as “the largest seizure we have ever come across in Hong Kong”, as reported by SCMP on Sat (20 Jul).
The spokesperson also expressed the Hong Kong government’s concern over the act of “a small number of radicals” who had encouraged the masses to carry out illegal acts far beyond the threshold of peaceful marches, including “charging police cordon lines, besieging the Police Headquarters and blocking roads”.
“Such acts threaten the law and order in the SAR and “one country, two systems”. It is totally unacceptable to the society,” the spokesperson added.
Civil Human Rights Front, the organiser of the rally on Sun, estimated that around 430,000 people participated in the march, while police gave an approximate figure of 138,000 at most.
Both police and the city’s government have issued statements on Mon (22 Jul) condemning the violence that took place during the protests on Sun.
“After the conclusion of a public procession on Hong Kong Island last night, some protesters charged Police’s cordon lines in the vicinity of Sheung Wan. They hurled bricks, smoke grenades, petrol bombs and set fires etc. Some police officers were injured in the incident.
“Meanwhile, assault cases also happened in Yuen Long. Some people attacked commuters at the platforms of the Yuen Long MTR Station and train compartments, resulting in multiple injuries.
“Police do not tolerate any violent behaviours. Police are now actively following up the two incidents in order to bring the offenders to justice,” said Hong Kong police in a statement today.
A spokesperson for the Hong Kong government said that the violent turn taken by the protestors on Sun was “absolutely unacceptable to Hong Kong as a society that observes the rule of law”.
“The SAR Government strongly condemns any violence and will seriously take enforcement actions,” the spokesperson added.
Carrie Lam intends to finish her five-year term, stays silent on withdrawing extradition Bill
Meanwhile, The Sydney Morning Herald‘s China Correspondent reported earlier on 15 Jul that Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam has expressed her intention to complete her five-year term and to subsequently leave the post, in addition to making efforts to bridge the gap between her administration and the youth of Hong Kong as a result of the anti-extradition Bill protests.
After seismic clashes between protestors and the police that rocked Hong Kong for weeks, Lam announced that the controversial extradition Bill that sparked the protests is now “dead”.
Chairing the Executive Council meeting on 9 Jul, she said: “I have almost immediately put a stop to the (bill) amendment exercise, but there are still lingering doubts about the government’s sincerity, or worries whether the government will restart the process in the legislative council, so I reiterate here: There is no such plan, the bill is dead.”
“Our work on the extradition bill amendment is a complete failure,” she told reporters during a news conference.
Lam also urged “all the people who were involved in the activities over the past month — whether police officers or protestors — to “submit materials to this independent investigation committee,” and gave the assurance that all such information will be treated as confidential.
“I understand that the responses I’ve made so far may not meet all of the requests and requirements made by the protestors. This is not about me or myself or my dignity. This is to strike balance between the Hong Kong government [and the protestors], and I believe what I’ve suggested is feasible and practical,” she said.
“So I hope that everybody will give a chance to the Hong Kong SAR government, to remain calm and let us walk out of this troublesome situation, and let us learn our lesson in the face of large-scale public events.”
“Personally, I take full responsibility of what happened,” said Beijing-backed Lam.
Lam, however, remains mum about any prospects of withdrawing the Bill completely.
An unnamed source reportedly told Financial Times that Beijing refuses to allow Lam’s resignation, as “No one else can clean up the mess and no one else wants the job.”
The protests that swept across Hong Kong in recent weeks arose out of concerns over the scope of powers that will be granted upon certain jurisdictions Hong Kong decides to extradite crime suspects to – particularly mainland China – should the extradition Bill be passed, as certain factions remain sceptical of Beijing’s capacity to refrain from abusing the extradition arrangements.

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大陆律师赴港“兼听”反送中 疑遭压力匆匆离港

上月中旬,一名中国律师充当公民记者,只身一人闯入香港,希望能了解香港反送中运动的缘由和当地居民的诉求,也出席建制派和民主派两边人马的集会。不过仅逗留香港第三天,相信是感受到压力,陈秋实终被迫离港。 他在8月中抵达香港,在8月17日的视频,声称观察到香港社会生活”小日子仍在继续”,依然“其乐融融”,没有受到特别影响;他也喜欢香港多元文化的生态。 他续指,内地媒体和香港媒体报导有天壤之别,例如那位眼睛被打伤的女孩,香港媒体指被警察橡皮子弹打伤;大陆媒体说她是被自己的猪队友打伤的。“可她的猪队友怎么会有枪和橡皮子弹呢?” 机场被打的的付国豪,大陆媒体说是《环球时报》记者,而香港媒体说他是“国保特工”;元朗车站拿棍打人的白衣人,大陆媒体说成是爱国青年,香港媒体则质疑他们是收了钱的黑社会。 对此,陈秋实认为,在信息杂乱的环境下,就更加需要兼听则明,偏听则暗,要收集足够多的信息进行交叉比对,才能够尽可能的还原事情的真相。 在另一视频中,他指自己出席了香港建制派和民主派的集会,并与他们当中2、30人交流,他坦言双方在观念上存在巨大冲突,但又似乎有一些共识,例如两派均认为香港依旧是安定繁荣的幸福城市。 “香港医疗、教育、养老成本仍较低” “而事实上也确实如此,香港GDP和人均福利在全亚洲仍保持领先,每年大陆外资投资当中,有50、60巴仙都是来自香港,或从香港进入大陆。” 他也解释,香港民众在医疗、教育、养老成本仍是比较低的。每年依旧有很多大陆的富豪或是中产阶级申请移民香港,或来香港生孩子、打疫苗、买保险。 大陆人经常会想什么事情都是钱、经济层面的问题,但陈秋实分析,经济型因素,在香港街头民主政治确实占一定的比例,但并不是绝对。 大陆网民揶揄香港“吃饱了撑的才搞街头民主”,对此陈秋实说:”这么理解也可以,因为香港确实已不存在吃不上饭的穷人。” 陈秋实也解释道港人抗争的背景,包括争取选举权、争取特首、议员的真正普选等。此外,有不厌其烦地在视频中,向大陆网民解释何谓“和理非”、“勇武”和“不割席”等。也透过视频向中国网民展示他在集会现场的所见所闻。…