Image from SDP

The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) will be launching its new transformative education policy titled ‘Educating for Creativity and Equality: An Agenda for Transformation’ this Saturday afternoon (12 July) at its headquarters in Link@AMK.
In a press release that was sent out by the SDP earlier today (10 July), the party said it will continue to light up the path and show the way in formulating Singapore’s education policy, adding that the current system, which is heavy on rote-learning and exam-taking, is rather out-dated as Singapore is progressing into an era of innovation where critical thinking is of paramount.
As such, it noted that the People’s Action Party (PAP) cannot continue to highlight the high achievement of the students via the PISA assessment as the index reveals nothing about how prepared the students are to deal with the realities of the present age upon graduation.
Moving on, the SDP also pointed out a few examples of how the PAP has been following its lead in formulating the nation’s education policy since the late 90s.

In 1994, the SDP stated: “A major problem of streaming is the effect of self-fulfilling prophecy…It is not difficult for children in lower streams to feel less valued.”
A quarter-of-a-century later, Education Minister Ong Ye Kung echoed: “Entering a stream that is ‘lower’ can carry a certain stigma… It becomes self-fulfilling.”
In 2014, the SDP called for pre-school education to be nationalised: “Currently, the main providers of preschool education are private playgroups and kindergartens. The government does not provide preschool education at the national level.”
In 2017, the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced that it would institute government-run kindergartens.

Even the SDP’s head Dr Chee Soon Juan took to Facebook to address the reality of the matter. In his Facebook post, he said, “We can continue to delude ourselves by believing PAP’s rhetoric that its education policy is number one in this and that.”
“Or we can come to see the reality for what it truly is: That the PAP continues to wield education in Singapore as a political tool by stifling critical and independent thinking and adopt an enlightened and transformative policy that the SDP is proposing,” he added.

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教育部今日(31日)表示,共有967名来自学校、理工学院以及工艺教育学院(Institute of Technical Education)的师生必须休假14天。 此前,当局曾宣布在过去两周,曾前往中国的师生必须申请14天缺席假。 这包括教育部幼儿园、中小学以及初级学院。其中,一名教师与学生曾从湖北省回新,而其他人则前往中国其他地区。 当局表示,该项措施能有效减轻学校与其他机构带来的潜在风险,让学校持续运作。目前休假的学生被安排在家中学习。学生也可以透过网络在线平台进行学习。 当局补充,根据卫生部规定,近期到过湖北并申请缺席假的学生,如果被评估为染病高风险群,可被勒令隔离。 教育部也称日前收到民众的询问,有关曾前往中国的学生未能申报一事,发现有些旅客于去年12月亦曾从中国返新的,但由于已过了潜伏期,因此请假也不适用于他们。 当局也敦促家长与学生应通知学校,并进行必要的检查。 教育部长王乙康表示,“针对此事,我们将采取必要措施,确保人民的安全,但同时也不应让恐惧支配我们的生活,所以要保持弹性与警惕,必须对社会负责,尽可能让生活持续。”