Mr. Kevin Ho, President of Handset Product Line, Huawei CBG announcing the sales record of the Huawei P30 Series at MWC Shanghai Global Device Summit.

China’s Huawei has hit their mark of 10 million units shipped on 30 May, earlier than that of 2018 when they reached the same volume later in that year. Huawei’s President of Handset Product Line Mr Kevin Ho said on 27 June at the MWC Shanghai Global Device Summit that the sales volume of Huawei’s P30 series hit 10 million only 85 days after its launch, which is 62 days fewer than it took the P20 series to hit 10 million unit sales. It is a record-breaking three months for Huawei flagship devices, said Huawei in a statement.
This comes after Google announced that it is halting business operations with the Chinese company back in May. The tech giant had suspended services to the company after it was added to a US trade blacklist earlier in May. Google will no longer be providing services such as the transfer of hardware, software, and technical services except those that are publicly available through open source licensing.
In their statement on the record-breaking sales of their P30 series, Huawei noted that the P30 series has received global acclaim for being the Best Flagship of 2019 and Best Phone for Photography. Most recently, the European Hardware Association recognized the Huawei P30 Pro as the Best Smartphone of 2019.
Commenting on the win, the European Hardware Association said, “We’re thrilled that HUAWEI has yet again taken home the European Hardware Association’s Best Smartphone award. The P30 Pro’s well deserved win celebrates the handsets place as the best smartphone on the market, recognising it as a product that is truly game changing.”
It appears that the Google ban on Huawei hasn’t quite affected the mobile company’s sales.
Edit: The title was corrected from 100 million to 10 million.

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