Unidentified parking ticket inspector works in Arab Street. (Photo by TK Kurikawa / Shutterstock.com)

Stiffer fines will be imposed for parking offences to ensure parking fines remain an effective deterrent starting from 1 July 2019, the Housing & Development Board (HDB) and Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) announced in a joint press release on Monday (24 June).

The authorities stated that fines revision will only affect errant motorists, and will not impact those who abide by parking rules.

According to the authorities, last revision of parking fines by HDB and URA was carried out in 1991. Following a review of existing parking fines, the fines for the following categories of parking offences will be increased.

Illegal Parking Offences

The authorities stressed that all motorists are required to observe the parking regulations and park their vehicles in designated lots. Vehicles that are parked indiscriminately may endanger the safety of others, besides causing obstruction and inconvenience to other users.

From 2016 to 2018, an average of about 260,800 notices were issued each year for illegal parking. These include cases where the motorists had parked their cars in motorcycle or heavy vehicle parking lots, as well as non-season ticket holders who had parked their vehicles at season parking lots.

Currently, the fines for illegal parking are $25, $50 and $80 respectively for motorcycles, cars and heavy vehicles. Therefore, to further deter illegal parking, these will be increased to $35, $70 and $100 respectively.

Coupon and Digital Parking Offences

Motorists are expected to pay the correct parking charges when using HDB and URA car parks, said the authorities.

They noted that the car parks where the Electronic Parking System (EPS) has not been implemented, motorists can either use parking coupons, the Parking.sg app or the OneService App to pay their parking charges.

From 2016 to 2018, an average of about 573,000 notices were issued each year to motorists who either did not pay the parking charges or had paid an insufficient amount at coupon parking car parks.

For more effective deterrence, the fine quantum will be revised.

Currently, cars and heavy vehicle that are found parking without a valid parking coupon or without activating a digital parking session face a fine of $30 and $40 respectively. Motorcycles face a fine of $8.

The fines will be increased to $40 and $50 respectively for cars and heavy vehicles. There will be no change in the fine quantum for motorcycles.

The current fines for vehicles that are found to have exceeded their paid parking sessions range from $6 to $20 for cars, and $12 to $40 for heavy vehicles. Motorcycles face a fine of $4.

Teh authorities stated that motorists will now face higher fines, ranging from $8 to $24 for cars, and $16 to $48 for heavy vehicles. There will be no change in the fine quantum for motorcycles.

Payment Evasion Offences at EPS Car Parks

The authorities stated that it is an offence for motorists to evade payment of parking charges by tailgating other vehicles or bypassing car park gantries at EPS car parks.

According to HDB and URA, they have issued about 4,400 notices every year to motorists for evasion of parking charges. Motorcycles, cars and heavy vehicles currently face a fine of $25, $50 and $80 respectively.

To further deter errant motorists, the fines will be increased to $35, $70 and $100 for motorcycles, cars and heavy vehicles respectively.

HDB and URA urge all motorists to be considerate and abide by the parking rules, noting that members of the public can report parking offences through a common hotline at 1800 338 6622.

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