Malik Aljunied (left) is Singapore Athletic Association’s new executive director. (Image from Singapore Athletic Association)

Malik Ajunied has been appointed as the new Executive Director of the Singapore Athletic Association (SA) starting 1 July 2019. In a statement, SA announced that the 51-year old former Head of Department with the Ministry of Education will be seconded to SA from the Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC) for three years.

“Malik has been involved with athletics for a very long time. As a former hurdler, coach and sports administrator, he has held important roles within our fraternity and understands our aspirations. I am happy that he has yet again accepted the calling to lead SA as its Executive Director. I am confident that he will help us – the athletes, coaches, officials, fans and the entire athletic community, to aim higher, faster and further. I would like to thank the SNOC for allowing Malik to join us,” said SA President Tang Weng Fei.

This will be Mr Aljunied’s second run with SA, having worked in the the SA Coaching & Development Department back in 1996-1997. He had also previously serviced in the Singapore Armed Forces, Singapore Police Force, and Singapore Civil Defence Force for a total of 33-years. He has also worked with the Ministry of Education, CoachSG and the SNOC following his national service career.

In the same statement, Mr Aljunied said he was grateful for the opportunity, adding that he will operationalise SA’s mandate of being “athlete-centric and coach-driven”.

Upon his appointment, Mr Aljunied will step down from his role as SA’s Vice-President to current honorary Secretary Ang Peng Siong. It was noted that Eric Song, who is currently the Assistant Honorary Secretary, will step up as Honorary Secretary.

Mr Aljunied will also be vacating this position as a member of the SA Management Committee which will be taken over by veteran sports administrator Dr Ho Mun Wai who will occupy the seat until the association’s next elections in 2020.

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