Senior Minister of State for Transport as well as Communications and Information Dr Janil Puthucheary has been appointed the new People’s Action Party (PAP) whip, taking over from Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing who has held the position since September 2015. He started his new role on 6 June. This comes over two years after he was appointed Chairman of PAP’s youth wing. Back then he also took over from Mr Chan.

The move to appoint Dr Puthucheary as party whip, according to experts quoted by Straits Times and TODAY Online, consolidates the party’s fourth-generation leadership in preparation for the next General Election which is due by 2021.

Dr Puthucheary – who is MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC – will have two deputies. Mr Zaqy Mohamad, Minister of State for National Development and Manpower as well as MP for Chua Chu Chang GRC will ascend as deputy, taking over from Mr Sam Tan, Minister of state for Foreign Affairs and Social & Family Development.

The other deputy will be Ms Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information and Culture, Community & Youth as well as MP for Holland-Bukit Timah GRC.

The party whip is tasked with ensuring that the party’s MPs vote according to the party line, meaning they will have to work closely with MPs within the party to ensure good communication within the ranks. On occasion, the whip may ‘lift the whip’ to allow party members to vote according to their conscience, even if it may be against the party position.

Political observer and former NMP Zulkifli Baharudin told Straits Times that the whip plays an important role of projecting the party’s ideologies and philosophies to both members of the party and the public, particularly when it comes to controversial motions or legislation raised in parliament. The whip is kind of like the party disciplinarian.

“At the end of the day, it’s not just about enforcing the whip or not. The party position has to be cohesive and members have to be persuaded of the party’s ideologies,” Mr Zulkifli said.

He added that Dr Puthucheary is well-suited for the role as he is able to convey PAP ideologies without “hard-sell”.

Speaking to Today Online MP for Nee Soon GRC Louis Ng described Dr Puthucheary as a “good choice”, adding that he is well-respected among the PAP MP and is “very grounded and approachable”.

Denise Phua, MP for Jalan Besar GRC, also told Today that having worked with Dr Puthucheary when he was Senior Minister of State for Education while she chaired the Government Parliamentary Committee for Education, she thinks he is “open, intelligent, pleasant and sensible”.

She added, “I believe Janil will be up to the task and he is a great addition to the fourth-generation political leadership.”

Straits Times quoted political scientist Prof Bilveer Singh as saying that these new appointments show that PAP is consolidating its new generation of leaders.

The National University of Singapore professor said, “Beyond the function, the more important thing is the symbolism of who is put where and why. It’s about positioning them in the public eye and giving them the respect in the party – in preparation for the coming election.”

He also noted that moving Mr Zaqy from the backbench to a Minister of State last year could signal a possible future for him as Senior Minister of State. He explained that next to Environment and Water Resources Minister Masagos Zulkifli, and Senior Minister of State for Defence and Foreign Affairs Maliki Osman, Mr Zaqy is a key player in PAP’s positioning of Malay political power.

Singaporean political analyst at the Education University of Hong Kong Assistant Professor Woo Jun Jie highlighted that appointing Dr Puthucheary as the party whip indicates leadership renewal, he said to Today Online.

It shows that the party wants to pass on important party positions to younger politicians. Asst. Prof Woo elaborated, “Just like the appointment of Mr Heng Swee Keat as the sole Deputy Prime Minister, this recent appointment of Dr Puthucheary appears to be an indication that the PAP may no longer be abiding by the old playbook. Rather, it (the PAP) is responding to new political realities and needs.”

Echoing that, Associate Professor Eugene Tan, a political analyst from the Singapore Management University said that the PAP is passing the baton of running Parliamentary affairs to their next generation of leaders.

With the next GE due in 2021, that gives the new party whip about a year to grow in his role, said Assoc. Prof Tan.

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“就像过去当我们最需要的时候,詹时中出现在我们身边,过去两年我也把时间投入在协助波东巴西居民,为他们点燃希望和尽我所能提供帮助。” 就像詹时中如何帮助那些有需要的人,人民党乔立盟(Jose Raymond)认为应该把前者的精神继续传递下去。 人民党刚在昨晚召开两年一度的党大会暨中委改选。乔立盟也是当选中委之一。在昨晚的脸书贴文,乔立盟似乎向往詹时中的信念,表示政治乃个人选择而他将尽其所能帮助有需要的人。 人民党秘书长暨前波东巴西议员詹时中,未参与昨日的中委改选,这意味着已担任人民党秘书长长达23年的他,将卸下党职务。 根据人民党今日在脸书发的贴文,向詹时中致意,感谢他长期以来为该党和新加坡做出的贡献。 乔立盟忆述1984年,他还是13岁的小伙子,就陪同父亲,聆听民主党创党人詹时中的竞选政治讲座,感受选民的热情。后者在该年赢得波东巴西国会议席。 四年后,在詹时中的竞选集会,乔立盟帮助父亲派发竞选宣言给信立新村居民。“我的父亲开了一辆蓝色小卡车,我则就坐在后面把传单传给他派发,至今我还保留着父亲当时穿着的民主党T恤。” 乔立盟展示一张1984年,詹时中中选时的热闹场面,红格中右三为乔立盟父亲。 但是真正影响乔立盟政治信仰的,还要回溯到1990年的一件事。当时,乔立盟一家不敷偿还抵押金,导致房屋发展局要拉回他们在西裕廊的组屋单位,乔立盟的父亲只好硬着头皮向詹时中求助。 詹时中当时二话不说,就签了支票帮乔立盟一家偿还了组屋押金,他们一家才免受流离失所之苦。詹的无私和真诚慷慨助人,使乔立盟深深敬仰,决心继承这种奉献精神,辅助社会弱势群体。 此后有26年两人没有再见面,直到2016年9月,在设立詹时中体育基金时才久别重逢。尽管许多人都不知道他们已有20余载的情谊,惟至今乔立盟仍保留着那张1984年大选时,詹时中竞选集会的照片,缅怀过去的光辉岁月。…