Three militants inspired by the Islamic State group have been arrested in Malaysia, accused of planning attacks on non-Muslim places of worship in the country and...
by Brad Bowyer Following yesterday’s article, this is for the many who asked me about Romanian History. I have compiled this summary and highlights from the...
Manpower Minister Josephine Teo took to her Facebook on Wednesday (15 May) to warn the public of a fraudulent website that wrongly attributed comments to her...
The Singapore Red Cross (SRC) has just been hacked, compromising details of 4,297 potential blood donors. In a statement posted on their Facebook page on Thursday...
The Christchurch Call to Action summit against online extremism in Paris which was prompted by the Christchurch mosque attacks in March which killed 51 people led...
Changi General Hospital (CGH) has responded to a case raised by a granddaughter who said that her grandmother had to endure horrible care and treatment in...
Bloomberg reported on Tue (14 May) that Bayer AG was ordered to pay more than US$2 billion in damages to a Californian couple that claimed they...
一网友Isabella Alexandria Lim 在脸书上分享其祖母在入住樟宜综合医院(CGH)、接受治疗期间,她和其家人有了可怕经历,控诉樟宜医院医生和护士的无情、不专业和不敏感。院方回应表示,病患在住院期间获得适当的照顾,只是有一些“沟通问题”。有关的回应一经上载,立即掀起网民的反对浪潮。 乐龄医学科高级顾问Lim Si Ching副教授针对此事件,发出了一份声明。 声明中,副教授表示,院方对网友祖母离去的消息感到悲哀,并希望网友家属节哀,并且已经针对有关的事件张开深入调查。随后,他坚持网友祖母在住院期间已获得适当的医疗服务,但是他承认,其中存有可预防的沟通问题。 他指出,虽然护理团队定期更新被指定为病患主要照顾者的家庭成员资料,但是院方可以更好地和病患的不同家庭成员接洽,帮助他们了解院方的诊断和治疗程序。 他同时解释了对网友祖母采取的医疗措施,并表示 “考虑到病患可能有压疮的风险,我们及时采取预防措施,包括密切检测其皮肤状况,提供能减轻压力的气垫床褥,并定时为患者翻身,同时尊重家属所提出‘尽量减少扰乱患者休息’的要求。” 他强调,在家属坚持要为患者转院时,院方也发送了医生邮件给国大医院的急诊部门,以便说明病患的情况。惟,他同意,院方为家属带来的焦虑,也将尽力从这个事件中学习,并改善院方的医疗服务流程。 针对有关的回应,许多网民都表示无法接受,他们在各媒体的脸书专页上,针对此新闻的评论区留下了各自的看法。 网民表示,樟宜医院不应该只把错误归咎在“可预防的沟通问题”上,而是要改善给予病患的服务素质。 除此之外,根据有关的声明,网民甚至质疑“适当的医疗服务”仅仅只是让患者保持活力,而给予较少的关注。 他们也表示有关的声明只是一个模式,缺乏诚意。 他们认为,有关的声明并没有解决Isabella所提出的大部分问题,如值班医生和护士的态度,以及他们的无礼发言。 此外,该声明也没有透露谁将为此事件负责,以及将采取防止类似情况重演的措施。 有网民对值班医生的情况表示了解,因为医院有千多个病人,如果没有翻阅病历,可能不会了解病情。有人甚至质疑当值的医生,有可能是实习医生。 Teong Tengpoh表示,医院不仅仅是硬体建设、机制运作,关爱和医护人员的心态即问话更重要。网民也表示,樟宜医院给他留下不好的影响,宁愿走远一些到国大医院看诊。 网民也表示,我国综合医院的服务水平已经大不如前了,没有职业道德了、不负责任,甚至不清楚是否有需要就进行检查,加重病患负担。 BengHwa Ong也指出,年长的病患住院很辛苦,除了要为医药费担心,院方差劲的服务态度,甚至会加剧病情。 Shirley Helen分享了其母亲的住院状况,指责护士们的无礼情况,让她留下了难以接受的回忆。...
Two Malaysians were arrested for working illegally as food delivery riders for Foodpanda and Deliveroo, said the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in a statement on Wednesday,...
Singapore-based maritime containerline Pacific International Lines (PIL) received “previously unreported loans” from the Republic’s sovereign wealth fund Temasek Holdings in the form of hedge funds last...