Dr Tan Cheng Bock, former presidential candidate and the founder of the Progress Singapore Party, took to his Facebook today (3 May) to share his joy of celebrating May Day in a neighbourhood at a futsal tournament in Bukit Purmei Hillock Futsal Court.

In the tournament, he said he saw neighbours from all races and ages coming together to have a great and fun time.

“At the Futsal tournament, neighbours of all races and ages, including kids as young as six and seniors as old as 70 played together and had great fun,” he wrote.

Dr Tan also added that it was a pleasure to see everyone talking and interacting happily with each other. This is indeed the Singapore spirit that everyone should continue to cherish forever, said the politician.

At the end of his post, he thanked Mr Kumar Appavoo for organising this event which brought Singaporeans together. Mr Kumar who is on the left of Dr Tan in the joint photo, an Reform Party candidate in 2015 in Radin Mas.


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