A woman was crossing Lavender Street near Kempas Road while using a mobile phone when she was hit by a cab on Friday afternoon (5 April).

Dashcam footage of the incident was widely circulated on several Facebook pages, including SG Road Vigilante and District Singapore, prompting responses from netizens to urge other pedestrians to take extra caution when crossing roads.

The clip showed the woman talking on a mobile phone to her ear hurrying across the four-lane road before stopping around the middle of the most left lane. In the blink of an eye, she was knocked off her feet by an oncoming taxi who abruptly came to a halt.

The taxi driver got out of his cab to help the woman. Luckily, the impact was not too severe as she could stand up while the driver assisted her to the nearby sidewalk. The video’s timestamp indicated that the incident in the Bendemeer area took place at 3.12 pm.

Following the incident, many netizens took to social media to implore pedestrians to be more cautious and wary when crossing the road.

Many others also advised pedestrians to be alert of their surroundings instead of being on their phone and constantly look out for oncoming traffic on both sides of the road even when vehicles are at a standstill.

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