Hyflux has challenged Salim-Medco’s justification for intending to withdraw from its bailout deal with the debt-ridden homegrown water firm. The Business Times (BT) reported Hyflux as...
A 20-year-old full-time national serviceman by the name of Edmund Zhong got into trouble with the Singapore Police Force (SPF) over a “harmless” comment on Facebook...
A letter box was apparently found opened in Jurong East on 25 March. A resident at a block at Jurong East St 21 shared a photo...
POCARI SWEAT, the isotonic beverage developed by Japan’s Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (OPC) today announced the partnership with Singapore Athletics (SA) at a joint press conference...
Mandarin Gardens has failed in its attempt to sell en bloc, which if successful would have been the largest en bloc sale in Singapore to date....
New cycling paths networks will be built in Woodlands, Toa Payoh, Choa Chu Kang, as well as cycling paths linking Geylang and Queenstown to the city....
There is no reason why the Public Utilities Board (PUB) should use taxpayer dollars to mitigate the potential losses of investors in homegrown water treatment firm...
It depends on who you ask. To vlogger Nuseir Yassin, creator of the video series Nas Daily, Singapore is the “almost perfect country.” So resplendent is...
Politicians or public figures being egged is never a pleasant experience for the individual who ends up with egg on the face and I am not...
马来西亚柔佛巴西古当金金河化学废料污染案,新山地方法庭原本不允新加坡籍被告王竟超保释的判决,今天被新山高等法庭推翻,允许后者在两名马来西亚公民的担保下,以25万令吉保释候审,并且每月15日必须到巴西古当警局报到,直到案件审结为止。 此外,马国被告、轮胎回收厂业者叶永亮的保释金也从原本的25万令吉,降低至15万令吉。印裔罗里司机马利达斯的保释金也从10万令吉,降低至3万令吉。惟,两人必须交出护照,并且继续每月到警局报到。 被告的代表律师苏巴马念拿雅今天到新山高庭,要求重检不允许新加坡籍被告保释的决定。 没记录不允许保外原因 高庭法官拿督阿莫卡玛表示,虽然此案件涉及广大民众,而且到达了严重危险程度,但是,他表示应该秉持“判决前任何人不得被认定有罪”的原则,而且法庭记录文件没有列明只有新加坡籍被告不获得保释的原因,因而推翻有关判决。 案件将在4月30日,在新山地庭过堂。 柔佛州巴西古当金金河化学废料污染事件于本月7日爆发,遭人非法倒入河流的化学废料产生了大量的甲烷和笨等化学物质,造成马国最大宗集体入院环境事故。 马国警方在案发至今已逮捕了11人,提控了三人,包括一名新加坡业者,还通缉着另一名在逃者。其中,王竟超和叶永亮面对15项控状,包括7项丢弃规范废料及8项污染空气罪行。他们在宣读控状后,表示不认罪。