Left to right: Amrin Amin, Poh Li San, Ong Ye Kung and Khaw Boon Wan. (Photo- Khaw Boon Wan’s Facebook page)

It was reported that former RSAF helicopter pilot Poh Li San had told the media that if given the chance to serve Sembawang residents “at a deeper level”, she would “gladly” do so.

“If there is an opportunity for me to serve residents at a deeper level, I will be most honoured to do so, and I will do my best as well,” said the 44-year-old.

“Right now, I am focused on making sure that I do my job well, run my events well in Sembawang and contribute to the community.”

Ms Poh is also an active grassroots leader in Sembawang. Five months ago in October 2018, Ms Poh joined the PAP Sembawang branch and has been making frequent appearances on the Facebook pages of Sembawang GRC MPs Khaw Boon Wan and Vikram Nair. She is the deputy chairman of the branch.

Ms Poh’s vision: To run an ultra-marathon in world’s most remote but pristinely beautiful places

According to a MINDEF article on her published some years ago when she was still with the RSAF, MINDEF said that Ms Poh’s greatest passions in life are “adventure travelling and running marathons”.

MINDEF also revealed that Ms Poh’s vision is to “run an ultra-marathon in the world’s most remote but pristinely beautiful Mongolian steppes or the Tibetan highlands”.

In the recent interview with the media, she described her own career as an “unusual” one. She said she had seized whatever opportunities that came her way, and encouraged other women to do the same.

In support of Manpower Minister Josephine Teo’s call for more women to join politics, Ms Poh said, “It is a great call and a great way to get women to step forward and contribute to the community and country… because it will be more powerful to work as a team of women leaders.”


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