Several types of bottled alcohol are displayed on some shelves in a pub in Bucharest, Romania (Photo by Alexandru Nika from

Arriving travellers and returning Singaporeans are reminded that the duty-free allowance for liquor will be revised to two litres, down from the current three litres, from 1 April 2019.

The Singapore Customs reminded the public via a press release on Monday (25 March) that this revision was announced in the Budget 2019 Statement on 18 February 2019, as part of the Government’s continual efforts to ensure that the tax system remains resilient.

The authority noted that travellers are entitled to duty-free concession for liquors if all the following conditions are met:

  • You are 18 years old or above;
  • You have spent 48 hours or more outside Singapore immediately before arrival;
  • You are not arriving from Malaysia;
  • The liquor is for your own consumption; and
  • The liquor is not prohibited from import into Singapore.

Travellers are given duty-free concession for liquors on one of the following options:

Source; Singapore Customs Facebook page.

The authority reminds members of the public to declare and pay duty and Goods and Services Tax (GST) for the liquor on arrival in Singapore if they have liquor exceeding your duty-free allowance.

For traveller’s convenience, they can use the Customs@SG mobile app or web portal to make an advance declaration and payment of duty and GST and breeze through the Customs Green Channel, it added.


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