Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin delivering his closing speech at the Committee of Supply debates in Parliament on Fri (8 Mar 2019). Source: CNA

Tan Chuan-Jin flew in from Singapore to Malaysia yesterday (18 March 2019) for his inaugural Official Visit since his election as Speaker of Parliament in September 2017.

Tan was invited by Speaker of Malaysia Yang Berhormat (YB) Dato’ Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof to deliver a speech today on governance from a parliamentary perspective and share his views for the Dewan Rakyat Speaker Lecture Series.

According to a media release by the Parliament of Singapore, Tan and his delegation will be in Kuala Lumpur for three days and have the opportunity to observe a parliamentary sitting in the Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives).

They will also be meeting and exchanging dialogue with various Malaysian parliamentarians such as the minister of legal and parliamentary affairs Liew Vui Keong as well as the president of the Dewan Negara (Senate) S A Vigneswaran.

Tan was accompanied by Members of Parliament including Vikram Nair, Pritam Singh, Melvin Yong, Yee Chia Hsing, Joan Pereira, Henry Kwek and Saktiandi Supaat, and Nominated Member of Parliament Anthea Ong.

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吴家和致函教育部长 冀教育者更主动关怀清寒子弟

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