MP for Tampines GRC, Baey Yam Keng

In a media report today, Building and Construction Authority (BCA) and Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) have condemned the construction of an illegal floor in an industrial building by ZACD Investments belonging to a grassroots leader, Stanley Yeo, and his wife.

“The extensive unauthorised floor is a blatant breach of the regulations. Such contraventions will not be tolerated,” BCA and URA said.

“The additional floor area is not allowed as it exceeds the maximum permissible intensity under the URA’s Master Plan.”

The illicitly constructed floor also means that the owners had dodged paying an estimated development charge of over $1 million to the government.

PA: Grassroots leader takes leave from his grassroots position

Yeo, who was awarded the Public Service Medal in 2015 and chairs the Tampines North Citizens’ Consultative Committee, has taken leave from his grassroots position. People’s Association (PA) said Yeo will be away for 3 months.

According to PA website, the Citizens’ Consultative Committees is “a vital bridge between the people and the Government”. They plan and lead major grassroots activities within the constituency, oversee local assistance programmes, and organise major fund-raising projects and national campaigns.

The relationship between PA and PAP is a close one. The Chairman of PA is none other than Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who is also the Secretary-General of PAP.

The late Lee Kuan Yew once said that China has been sending teams of officials to study Singapore for years. He told of a lesson the Chinese learnt, “They discover that the People’s Action Party has only a small office in Bedok. But everywhere they go, they see the PAP – in the RCs, CCCs and CCs.”

Meanwhile, Tampines GRC MP Baey Yam Keng declined to comment when he was asked about the matter by the media.

Investigations are on-going.

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