On 18 February (Monday), Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat announced the 2019 Budget in Parliament at 3.30pm.

In his announcement, there are a few new initiatives that were introduced such as the Merdeka Generation Package to help older Singaporeans with their healthcare costs, a Home Team Science and Tech Agency, as well as a new sixth pillar of Total Defence and more.

After Mr Heng delivered the Budget 2019, Yahoo Singapore called for a poll and asked the public to give their honest opinion on the budget.

At the time of writing, a total of 1,450 votes were received and 44% of them said that the budget was ‘bad’, whereas 34% revealed that the budget was ‘average’. Only a fraction of the voters gave a positive results where 7% voted ‘good’ and 4% voted “great’. However, the remaining 11% voters seemed to be not too bothered about the budget and clicked the ‘I don’t care’ option.

Apart from voting in the poll, netizens also wrote their comments on Yahoo Singapore’s poll and many don’t seem impressed or happy with this year’s budget.

Some even felt that it was an election budget where everything was well-researched and well thought out gain ‘votes’.

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国务资政兼社会统筹部长尚达曼,昨晚(19日)在脸书发长文,指出此次选举讲永久改变我国政治,不论对朝野政党都是好事。他也阐述本身对民主发展的憧憬,包括续推崇多元族群主义、即使有政治竞争惟社会核心仍稳固,且能对不同观点包容的民主。 工人党前非选区议员余振忠,也在脸书发文,指出他对于尚达曼的憧憬,还要再加上一条,那就是执政党会更公平的竞争。 “请不要假装人民协会是非政治的,在野党议员无法使用人协设施和办活动;也请不要假装总理公署属下的选举局,是完全独立的。” 再者,要申请社区设施提升项目的基金,进行造福居民等计划,在野党议员还得寻求基层组织顾问的批准。他也敦促主流媒体的报导更为中庸、在使用《防假消息法》时当局更应谨慎等等。 在野党管理的选区,各区基层组织顾问一般由落选的行动党参选人担任。 不过,余振忠认为此次选举结果也显示选民变得成熟。他忆述2011年加入工人党,当时就感受到,行动党只有在面对强劲竞争时才肯聆听。过去余振忠便积极在报章论坛或群组反映议题,但似乎决策者未重视这些变革。 “如果要等到行动党严重挫败,再看有没有替代政党崛起,对新加坡来说都会带来影响。任何可靠的替代政党都需要时间去建设,让更多能人良才加入。” 余振忠也对选举结果分析,比起2011年,实际上行动党的选举表现还不赖,但2011年也没有太多能与行动党抗衡的替代候选人。但如今,行动党几乎在全岛都面对严峻的挑战。 选举结果亦说明选民趋向成熟,在普遍安全转移(flight to safety)下行动党品牌仍占优势,仍有选民惧怕迈向未知数,但目前情况正往好的方向转变。

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