With the recent revelation that the personal information of 14,200 HIV-positive individuals were leaked in a data breach of Singapore’s HIV Registry, discussions have been reignited...
by ValueChampion It may be a nice, romantic gesture, but is it wise to share your credit card account with your partner? We assess the economic benefits...
The Necessary Stage’s Theatre For Seniors (TFS) has established itself as a professional theatre group with skilled senior actors in Singapore. For its 10th year anniversary,...
资讯通信媒体发展局(IMDA)发文告指出,新邮政在2017年各项服务素质不达标,被罚款10万元。这是新邮政迄今为止接受的最终罚款数额。 该局指出,新邮政在前年出现九次不符合服务素质标准的事件。该局在裁定罚款时,也考量到这已不是新邮政首次出现未遵守服务标准的违规情况。 根据当局规定,寄往中央商业区的基本信件,99巴仙必须在隔一个工作日送达;中央商业区以外地区最低标准则是98巴仙。 但是,新邮政在2017年5月,没有达到中央商业区99巴仙的标准。 与此同时,在同年,新邮政有五个月未能达到在第二个工作日100巴仙送达基本信件的服务标准;以及有三个月未达到注册邮件100巴仙送达的标准。 资媒局副首席执行员暨总监(电讯与邮政)Aileen Chia呼吁,新邮政必须为本地客户和企业提供可靠的公共邮政服务,履行其经营许可义务。 “近期发生的新邮政服务失误,显示该机构的服务出程序出现落差,我们要求新邮政立即采取措施改善,以满足公众日益增长的邮政需求。” 目前,资媒局也在评估新邮政2018年服务素质,并在今年中对外公布评估结果。 另一方面,针对早前出现的邮差丢弃邮件事件,资媒局也表示会援引《邮政服务法》采取坚决行动。 新邮政总裁致歉承诺改善 新邮政总裁Paul Coutts则另外发表声明,对服务屡次出现失误致歉,也接受资媒局的罚款惩戒。 新邮政也公布数项改善措施: 增聘100名邮差,以及将35名邮件投递司机转为全职邮差; 增加和检讨邮差薪酬福利,奖励递件到府; 延长邮件派送时段至平日傍晚和星期六等,并提供自愿加班的邮差加班费。
Thai media, The Nation, reported on Wed (6 Feb) that the Bangkok Metropolitan Police has arrested a 51-year-old French man, who is a Singapore MOE teacher,...
Housing & Development Board (HDB) will provide an option for flat buyers to book remaining flats from the Re-Offer of Balance Flat (ROF) pool at any time of...
The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) announced on Thursday (7 February) that it will impose a financial penalty of S$100,000 on Singapore Post (SingPost) for its...
The blood that seeped through the ceiling of a Tampines Housing Board flat last Tuesday (29 January), which led to the discovery of an elderly man’s...
The recent accidental death of actor and reservist Corporal First Class (National Service) Aloysius Pang – which follows a string of other tragic deaths by accident...
The losing candidate from People’s Action Party from GE2015, Lee Hong Chuang, informed the public through his Facebook page that he distributed food rations and red...