Dr Tan Cheng Bock is seen visiting Teck Ghee Market on Saturday morning and having his breakfast there. While that is hardly anything usual in anyway but he is having his breakfast with Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Ting Choon Meng.

Furthermore, Teck Ghee Market is situated at Ang Mo Kio GRC where Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is based at.

Earlier in Nov last year, the former PAP Member of Parliament and Presidential Candidate in GE2011, also had breakfast with Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Ting at West Coast Food Centre.

Sharing photos of their breakfast meet up, Dr Tan wrote back then,

This morning I had breakfast with Lee Hsien Yang. We wanted to catch up with each other as we have not met for quite a while. Instead of some fancy restaurant, I suggested we go to West Coast Food Centre at Block 726 Clementi West. Hsien Yang was all for it. He missed our local hawker fare in the heartlands. We had porridge & coffee with yu tiao. It was a good breakfast, not only the food, but the sharing we had on world affairs and the current state of politics in Singapore.

As it was a Sunday morning, the place was crowded with families out for their Sunday breakfast fix. Many greeted us warmly and some whipped out their handphones to take photos with us. We were touched by their warmth and encouragement. I will be having more breakfasts & lunches with friends regularly in the heartlands.

As seen in the photo, they had Mee Siam this time round for breakfast but uncertain what was the reason for the meet up.

TodayOnline was at the scene and tried to interview Dr Tan but he declined to comment. Dr Tan also met up with MP Ang Hin Kee at the food centre.

Dr Tan has been on a travel spree since he announced his retirement from medical practice and back into politics. He has visited hawker centres in Tampines, Marine Parade and Nee Soon GRC and both occasions chanced upon Members of Parliament from PAP.

He had earlier announced that he submitted an application to form his own political party, Progress Singapore Party.

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