Sabah Wildlife Department looking into photo of tourists abusing a sea turtle

A rather heartbreaking and outrageous photo has been circulating on Whatsapp and…

SPF and AVA: Allegations against Platinium Dogs Club being investigated

The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) and the Singapore Police Force (SPF)…

AGC’s complaint on Lee Suet Fern is very disconcerting and should be itself be investigated: Lim Tean

Former National Solidarity Party (NSP) chief and the founder of People’s Voice…

My son, like the children of others, is subject to national laws: Malaysia’s Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu on son’s arrest over marijuana use

Following his son’s arrest over a drug-related offence during an anti-vice raid…


翻译自资深保安领域从业人Loh Teck Yong文章(经编辑以便读者阅读): “今天,我在上班时不小心睡着了,结果警察来逮捕我。我将面对三个月的监禁。” 你以为以上的情景是开玩笑,但自今年1月1日起,我国私人保安业(行为)条例的行为准则,明确列出保安人员若在工作时出现打瞌睡、擅离职守、言辞侮辱等失职行为,可面对不超过两千元罚款或三个月监禁。 确实,专业的保安员不应出现上述疏失,即便直接开除用词侮辱和频频打瞌睡的保安员也不为过,但是要被罚款两千元甚至监禁三个月?这是在开玩笑吗? 不幸的是,我们的立法、执法机构从不幽默,上述的立法也不是开玩笑,但让我们看看保安员的真实处境: 保安员工作时间超长! 虽然有减少保安员加班、工时的建议,然而通常一名全职保安每周的工时仍长达72小时,几乎是每天12小时、每周工作六天。不如您来试试做一两个月,再来谈谈是否该严惩打瞌睡行为。当处在这种悲伤困境时,也许你能意识到保安要求人道点的待遇不算过分。 还有者每周工作96-120小时,连续数日都24小时不休工作,这种情况下,能不打瞌睡吗? 让保安连续不休工作肯定是违反的,但还是有不道德的保全机构还是要求保安这么做,一方要求,另一方愿挨,在完成12小时的轮值后,保安再继续加班,结果睡着了,他终归只是肉体凡胎,生理上该休息时就容易睡着,但就因为如此就严惩他们吗? 我在军中野外训练时不小心睡着,得到的惩罚也只不过是增加警备任务!…

Teo Soh Lung: Unequal treatment by police on how cases are being investigated

by Teo Soh Lung Under the Animals and Birds Act, cruelty to…

Netizens feel SingPost needs to buck up their mail delivery services

On 2 January, The Straits Times (ST) published a complaint letter by…

Nestlé adopts Workplace by Facebook as its global internal communication tool

Nestlé has adopted Workplace by Facebook as its global internal communication tool,…

Foreign PMET jailed for exposing his private parts to woman commuter in GrabShare ride

It was reported in the media on Fri (4 Jan) that a…