On 2 January, The Straits Times (ST) published a complaint letter by Chua Chun Wei who stated his dissatisfaction over SingPost’s service standards.

Personally, he encountered many “unhappy episodes” with SingPost’s service delivery standards, where there were multiple times where he was at home the whole day, only to find a delivery-failure notice at his door saying that the postman was not able to deliver his package.

He has also experienced tremendous amount of frustration in trying to redirect his package to another pick-up location, which tells that there’s possible problems with SingPost’s mail-tracking system. As a result of this, he had to pick up his package from an inconvenient location.

In addition to that, there were also times where he had his neighbours’ letters placed wrongly in his letterbox.

Although he is happy with SingPost’s corporate social responsibility efforts, but he opines that the company should uphold its core services first to ensure that it’s meeting the basic standards expected of it as a public service provider.

Besides Mr Chua, many netizens also experienced their share of problems with SingPost and have mentioned it on Facebook.

Although there are myriad of issues with SingPost’s delivery services, some netizens have offered their solutions to curb this problem. As such, Facebook user HuiChing Hia opines that the company has to reorganise their system by installing parcel collection lockers at convenient location, enlisting convenience stores to act as collection points and arrange fixed delivery times like FairPrice.

Vono Seekeh feels that the company should regularly do a quality service survey to evaluate its performance.

Wan Hui Wong thinks that “SingPost door-door delivery system should take a leaf from the relatively new services like NinjaVan” as they give options for customers to provide information if they’re not at home.

He also feels that if door-door services are too difficult for SingPost to handle, they should “consider giving up these to other market players instead of drawing frustrations from unhappy customers”.

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