Another ‘paper’ general?

by James Lee Ever since the news broke that Brigade General Goh…

LTA to implement QR-code system for bike-sharing users starting mid-January next year to curb indiscriminate parking

In a bid to control the degree of indiscriminate bicycle parking in…

SPF officer found guilty of forging a victim’s statement implying that she didn’t mind being molested

A female police offer was found guilty of forging a statement of…

Lee Hsien Yang is modest and more in touch with the ground: Former NTUC Income CEO Tan Kin Lian

In his recent Facebook post on 27 Dec, the former Chief Executive…

ICA has a budget of over SGD1 billion in 2018, $200 million more than 2017. But they’re still understaffed?

The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) is struggling with a shortage of…

Tan Kin Lian shoots down rumour that Leong Sze Han is wealthy enough fund his legal cases against PM Lee

In an attempt to discredit the financial consultant and vlogger, Leong Sze…


新捷运集团已向媒体证实,总裁颜睿杰已提呈辞职信。 各大媒体也竞相报导此消息。根据《海峡时报》报导,61岁的新捷运总裁颜睿杰,为其“个人失检”(personal indiscretion)行为负上责任,突然宣布辞职。 新捷运晚间向新加坡交易所发出通知,指颜睿杰将辞去职务,明年3月27日正式离职。 集团主席林日波称,颜睿杰是在今早向他呈辞,并为自己的行为深表歉意。 “颜睿杰已为他行为上的疏忽承担所有责任,董事会也以已经接受他的辞职。我们失去了一名为新加坡陆路交通付出不少的良好总裁。” 61岁的颜睿杰从2010年开始出任新捷运总裁。新捷运的股价在消息公布前,下跌0.02元,收市报2.70元。 颜睿杰在本月12日抛售了2万7300支新捷运股,在26日再抛出1万5000股。他持有3万支公司股票和15万认股期权。 颜睿杰曾任武装部队高职 曾在新加坡武装部队担任多项指挥及军事参谋的高级职务,颜睿杰于 2010 年…

No official word from Malaysia regarding construction of third link between Johor and Singapore yet: MFA

Singapore has yet to receive “any official proposal or communications from Malaysia”…

Netizens question stricter punishment to be imposed on security guards from 1 Jan

Starting from 1st January, private security officers who slack off, sleep on…

Russian father asked to pay up to SGD300,000 to see his daughter after separating from his partner in Singapore

Not too long ago we talked about a petition that was started…