The Singapore Police Force will be deploying police officers, auxiliary police officers, and security officers to manage crowds in the vicinity of Orchard Road, Clarke Quay and Gardens by the Bay on Christmas Eve (24 December 2018) and Christmas Day (25 December 2018).

The police stated that crowd control barricades and direction signs will also be put up to facilitate safe and orderly dispersal. The public is advised to be patient and follow officers’ instructions.

During this this period, officers from the Protective Security Command, Emergency Response Teams and the Special Operations Command will also be conducting enhanced patrols.

Security personnel may conduct checks on bags and personal items and members of the public are advised to cooperate with these officers to facilitate the checks.

The public is also advised to be vigilant against molesters. In previous incidents, culprits sprayed foam into victims’ eyes before molesting them.

The police reminded members of the public to be considerate and avoid engaging in activities that may annoy or compromise the safety of others, adding that it will not hesitate to take action against anyone who is causing public nuisance or breaks the law.

Anyone with information on suspicious persons or activities can contact the Internal Security Department at 1800-2626-473 or the Police at 999 or SMS to 71999. Members of the public can also download the SGSecure App from Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to provide information to the authorities.

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