A maritime dispute has recently broken out between Singapore and Malaysia. Malaysia has also expressed its intent to take back control of its airspace over southern Johor, with Malaysian Transport Minister Anthony Loke citing concerns over sovereignty and national interest.

Amidst the squabble between the 2 neighboring countries, one man has stepped up to show the way forward for both Singaporean and Malaysian politicians to work together for bilateral interests and mutual benefits.

In a Facebook post yesterday (13 Dec), the crown prince of Johor, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim expressed his hope that Singapore and Malaysia can find a “win-win situation”, as both countries continue to squabble in the ongoing maritime and airspace disputes.

Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim said, “I hope the countries can find a solution that is a win-win situation to prosper together and not get entangled in unnecessary issues.”

He posted a picture of himself clasping hands with two men – a Singaporean and a Malaysian who are both working with him.

“On my right is Prem Singh from the Singapore Special Branch. He has been taking care of me for nine years. On my left is Leftenan Kolonel Samsyawal bin Muhamad from the Malaysian Special Forces (Gerak Khas), who was my sniper buddy when I did my Young Officer’s course in PULADA in 2002. He has been working with me for the last three years,” the crown prince said.

“I don’t need to introduce myself, I’m from Johor.”

“Here I am in the middle between Singapore and Malaysia. The three of us are good friends, working well in the same organisation. I hope the countries can find a solution that is a win-win situation to prosper together and not get entangled in unnecessary issues,” he added.

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