As a registered charity with an Institution of Public Character (IPC), the Singapore Environment Council (SEC) should be displaying their annual financial returns and statements on their website for public scrutiny.

However, a check on their website has shown that the last statement which was uploaded was put up for the financial year ending 2016.

The annual statement of accounts for 2017 has not been posted on their website, even though it is already the end of 2018.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors is Isabella Loh Wai Kiew while the other people on the Board include senior civil servants and also two People’s Action Party Members of Parliament in Dr Teo Ho Pin and Rahayu Mahzam.

The senior public officers on the Board of the SEC include Dr Leong Chee Chiew (Dy CEO, NParks) and Tan Nguan Sen (Chief Sustainability Officer, PUB) among others.

See full list of Board members here.

On its website, the SEC states that it is an independently managed, non-profit and non-government organisation and that it is an approved charity and offer tax exemption to donors.

It appears that it has been more than a year since the SEC posted its annual returns online.

Coincidentally, the Singapore Life Saving Society has put up a Facebook post seeking governance help.

The Advisor of the Singapore Life Saving Society is Teo Ho Pin, who is the MP for Bukit Panjang SMC.

The TOC has reached out to the Charities Unit for a response.

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