Former Chief Economist at GIC and former adjunct professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Yeoh Lam Keong has criticised Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing’s statement regarding collective responsibility in easing the effects of social mobility and globalisation.

Mr Yeoh, in his Facebook post on Friday (30 Nov), raised the question as to why the government, which he dubbed as “the most powerful agent” for “collective responsibility”, appears in Mr Chan’s statement to be “seemingly exempt from redoubling its current insufficient efforts to increase social mobility by helping the less privileged”.

He further questioned as to why the onus of alleviating socioeconomic inequality is instead placed on “individuals and groups”, who do not have the power to put in place social and economic policies the way the government does.

Mr Yeoh argued that “raising the payouts of the WIS [Workfare Income Supplement] and SSS [Silver Support Scheme] by $600 would effectively provide the working and elderly poor a living income that would not only seriously reduce absolute poverty markedly, but also provide a platform for children from these families to improve their difficult lot”.

“The fiscal cost is less than 0.8% of GDP and eminently affordable, yet the government has somehow avoided doing this for a over a decade,” he added.

Mr Yeoh also said that he found it “bizarre” that “a top minister who has helmed both MSF and NTUC seems somehow oblivious to the fact that only [the] government has the financial and organizational resources to systematically do the heavy lifting in the fight against poverty and inequality, and that it is government that needs to lead any serious systemic change in our social compact.”

“Do we take the maximum that we think we are entitled to have, or do we leave something more for those who need it more?”: Chan

Previously at The Straits Times’ annual Global Outlook Forum on Wednesday (28 Nov), Mr Chan had called upon more privileged Singaporeans to step up their efforts in assisting their underprivileged counterparts in the face of social mobility and globalisation, both of which are rife with constant challenges.

He said that those who are able to catch up with the tide of such changes should take it upon themselves to help the ones who struggle in order “for us to progress as a society together”.

Mr Chan added that while government policy and intervention do play a significant role in uplifting the livelihoods of underprivileged classes in Singapore, citizens who are able to reap great benefits from such material progress should also develop conscientiousness and collective responsibility towards making the country a habitable place for all.

In a dialogue session after delivering his speech, he said: “Do we take the maximum that we think we are entitled to have, or do we leave something more for those who need it more?”

“If we have that kind of collective responsibility to one another, the kind of societal values that say it is a privilege to take care of others… and it’s not just about us taking all that we can – then, I think, we will have the new social compact,” he emphasised.

“Never-ending task” to find the right people to take up the task of governing Singapore; no “magic formula”: Chan

Touching on leadership, particularly in light of the political transition currently taking place amongst the upper echelons of Singapore’s governance, Mr Chan said: “There’s no magic formula to this.”

“How do we hardcode this into our DNA? It’s a constant process; it’s a never-ending task to find people with the correct value system.”

He emphasised that the individuals who decide to take up leadership posts should have “sense of a higher purpose that they are here because the country is more important than their individual considerations”.

Despite measures such as unilateralism, protectionism and trade frictions that are being adopted by an increasing number of nations throughout the world currently, Mr Chan said that a closed-door policy “has never been and can never be an option” for Singapore.

“For a small city-state to survive and thrive, the world must be our hinterland from Day One,” he stressed.

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砂商家获准证卖鞭炮 仅限十五种

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【冠状病毒19】痊愈病患达958人 单日出院率创新高

好消息!昨日冠状病毒痊愈出院病例达到958起,创下日来新高,新增的社区病例也只有四起。 卫生部指出,昨日(5月13日)的新增病例中,只有四起是本地社区病例,分别是两名长期证件持有者以及两名新加坡或长久居民,其余病例则来自客工宿舍。今天也是自疫情爆发以来,首次没有出现来自客工宿舍外的客工病例。 新病例几乎都来自已经确认的感染群,其他则有待调查。 我国至昨日已累积了2万5346起病例。昨日有将近千人出院,将总出院人数累积到4809人,仅剩19名需要留在加护病房留医的患者。 此外,有六个新增的感染群,以工业区的工厂为主。


人民之声党在周日(26日)到蔡厝港集选区吉丰购物中心、南洋区以及先驱单选区,拜访选民和进行派发面包活动。 人民之声党领袖林鼎表示,走访该选区遇到许多年长选民,许多基层草根感到不满,认为政府未达成照顾乐龄群体的职责。 “每五年临近大选时,行动党总会提出诸如建国一代、立国一代配套,但它们的目的只有一个:捞取选票。” 他说,一些选民甚至反映,年长者从建国一代配套中受惠不多,而他们还是得为每日生活艰苦奋斗。而平均起来国人从公积金入息仅领取约350元。 他也提及近期李光耀公共政策学院(LKYSPP)刚发表的报告,即一名单身年长者每月需至少1379元才足以维持基本生活;至于65岁以上夫妇也至少需要2350元。 “那么年长者要怎么依靠如此低的公积金入息来维持生活?你不能怪他们要抨击政府政策失策!” 与此同时,林鼎也强调人民之声的理念,即要改革新加坡,而不是滥竽充数政党。他表示在两周后,该党将展开劳动者对话会,和立国一代、建国一代和千禧一代等对话,并将出台该党对就业政策的倡议。 “已经有许多优渥薪资工作,转移到外籍人士手上,行动党政府认为国人如果没有工作该如何养活家人?” 此外,他在拜访南洋区时,也指当地选民非议公积金领取入息年龄延迟到70岁,而且对于该区议员余家兴在国会赞同上述政策感到惊讶和愤怒。 余家兴是在今年一月国会在国会表示,认同公积金局当前把自动领取入息年龄定在70岁的做法。当时他认为,随着再就业年龄已经提高到67岁,让民众延迟入息很合理。“会员可以选择在65岁就领入息。但是如果65岁就自动给付,但是如果那时他们还继续工作,就违背了退休金为保障退休生活的目的。”

两千万赌川金会成功 学者:峰会含失败风险

新加坡国立大学政治系助理教授莊嘉颖认为,新加坡政府促成美国总统川普与朝鲜领导人金正恩会面,砸下两千万新元的赌注,希望川金会能带来良好结果,新国能与两国交好。但是和任何赌局一样,峰会结果也可能出现风险,届时川金会将不是新国的成就,而是历史的污点。 莊嘉颖在他的脸书账户发布FB贴提醒国民,不要被表面的空前盛况所蒙蔽,忽略掉峰会谈判内容,攸关东亚多个国家的生死存亡,若一不小心出错,或其中一国领导人翻脸,都能引发区域危机。 朝鲜独裁政权下,人权纪录一直受诟病;至于川普喜怒无常,近期甚至以贸易战向美国盟友施压。再者,纵观美国过去与伊拉克、利比亚和伊朗等国谈判放弃核武或化武,其成效令人对此次峰会成效有所保留。 为此,他认为新国花两千万新元,承接主办峰会,本身冒着一定的风险,是“策略性的赌注”。 他相信新加坡会把握机会,若一切顺利,将能加深与美国合作伙伴关系,也能与朝鲜开拓新商机。 与此相反,若川普与金正恩在峰会后撕破脸,拥有核武的朝鲜将对整个东北亚洲构成威胁,美国与朝鲜甚至可能把失败的责任推给新加坡,也令我国卷入复杂的区域政治问题。 早前,亚洲新闻台邀请众多学者和评论员,分析新加坡从举办川金会获得的成果,并附上标题:川金峰会稳固新加坡国际地位。 莊嘉颖也是受邀时评员之一,在报导中他如此被引述:新加坡国立大学政治系助理教授莊嘉颖认为,新国政府的两千万新元投资,乃“策略性赌注”,期许峰会顺利进行,以及美朝两国在多年对峙后,关系进一步发展。 基于上述报导未涵括他对此课题看法的细微区别,以及峰会背后一些深切问题,为此在其个人脸书张贴完整评述问答,与网民分享其观点。 以下为莊嘉颖评述全文: 1.新加坡主办此历史性峰会有何重大意义?新加坡作为峰会场所比起其他地点有什么优势? 莊:峰会有其历史意义,促成美朝两国领导人破冰会面,也意味着亚洲东北区域的和平稳定。新加坡肯定作为峰会东道主和国际外交枢纽,被载入史册。…