Rainy day of Bustling street of Chinatown in Singapore. Singapore’s Chinatown is a world famous bargain shopping destination from Shutterstock.com

The Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) under the National Environment Agency said that the second half of November 2018 is expected to be less wet than the first half of the month and there could be a few warm days during this period.

According to the authority, inter-monsoon conditions with winds that are light and variable in direction have been prevailing over Singapore and the surrounding region since late October 2018.

In the second half of November 2018, the inter-monsoon conditions are forecast to persist, and a gradual strengthening and shift in the wind direction to blow from the northeast or northwest are expected towards the end of the month. This change in the monsoonal winds signals the start of the Northeast Monsoon season, and is expected to extend into March 2019.

The authority said that the rest of November 2018, localised short-duration moderate to heavy thundery showers are expected mostly in the afternoon on five to seven days, with the showers extending into the evening on a few of these days.

These showers are due to the favourable light wind conditions coupled with strong solar heating of the land areas during the day, it added.

On three or four days where the winds are forecast to blow from the southwest or west, the passage of Sumatra squalls moving across Singapore from the Strait of Malacca is expected to bring widespread thundery showers accompanied with gusty winds in the morning. Overall, the rainfall for November 2018 is likely to be above normal.

In the second half of November 2018, the daily temperature on most days is expected to range between 24°C and 33°C and the daily maximum temperature could reach a high of around 34°C.

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大选期间避免学生发表评论引争议 华侨中学辩称不希望学生卷入是非

华侨中学日前向学生发电邮,建议学生避免大选期间,在社交媒体就国家课题发表评论,因而引起网民不满,甚至有网民发起请愿书,要求撤回电邮。校方回应,仍鼓励学生参与国家课题,但不希望他们在不经意间卷入非他们控制范围的议程下。 自由新闻工作者韩俐颖,于本周三(1日)在脸书上传上述电邮的截图,并指有政党在党纲中要求把投票年龄从21岁调低到18岁,但华侨中学却发电邮建议学生不要在社交媒体上刊登与大选相关信息。 据了解,该封电邮是华侨中学发给就读初级学院一、二年级生。 截图显示,鉴于政治竞选的性质,该校建议所有学生避免在私人或与学校有关的社交媒体上,发布或转发任何与本届大选有关的讯息、帖文、照片或短片,并在结束的段落中表示,校方将会关切不幸卷入是非事件的学生,要求学生在若发现同侪有类似行为,即刻通知校方以让校方第一时间尽力帮助学生。 韩俐颖亦在帖文中感叹说道,如今新加坡年轻人已公然被警告远离政治。 该帖文已被转发高达逾1千次,引起广大网民的关注。 对此,有网民发起请愿书,要求校方撤回电邮,表示该行为已损害学生政治参与公民的发展,同时亦损害了教育机构培养批判性思维生态系统的目的。 发起人直指,校方如今已将这种行为定义为纪律问题,很可能会采取纠正措施,侵犯了学生的参与权。 与此同时,他也表示,校方此举只会阻碍学生,散播政治冷感。针对大选或政治参与,教育机构应该教育学生如何驾驭政治,而非剥夺学生政治参与的能力。 截至目前,已有逾600人联署请愿。 校方于周五(3日)发表官方声明,校方无意要学生保持缄默,亦无意剥夺学生的政治参与,反而校方是要鼓励他们在安全的环境下就积极就国家课题进行讨论和辩论。 然而,校方辩称学生群体均为青少年,校方也不希望他们不经意地被卷入非在他们控制下的议程中,而社交媒体并非是好的平台能够针对国家课题进行讨论,尤其在大选期间。…

过去个资泄露事故前车之鉴 人民党疑虑政府推出穿戴式配备

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