The Straits Times published a news report today saying that it “continues to be Singapore’s best read newspaper” (‘ST still best read newspaper: Nielsen‘, 8 Nov)....
Responding to a question posted on Quora, a foreign talent currently working in Singapore said that one of the many reasons foreign talents are hired in...
The premise of having an election in a democratic country is to give voters a fair choice. For that choice to be fair, voters have to...
The MediShield Life Fund is said to be designed in a way that it is self-sustaining and based on actuarial principles, with each age group paying premiums,...
All secondary schools can now admit up to 20 percent of their non-Integrated Programme (non-IP) Secondary 1 intake via Direct School Admission for Secondary Schools (DSA-Secondary)....
A new link road connecting Punggol Central to KPE and TPE(PIE) will open almost a year ahead of schedule, on 25 November 2018, the Land Transport...
The Ministry of Education (MOE) on Thursday (8 November) has announced that the University Admissions Score (UAS) for polytechnic students applying to all Autonomous Universities (AUs), including...
The High Commission of the Republic of Singapore in Kuala Lumpur has censured an article published by The Coverage, a controversial “social news network” alleging the...
一名白沙-榜鹅区居民,致函询问白沙-榜鹅市镇会(PRPTC),在使用市镇会款项用于与居民利益无关的诉讼、聘请律师时,是否已咨询居民的同意? 曾代表人民力量党于2011年参选蔡厝港议席的李子旭,揭露一名住在白沙-榜鹅区的友人,致函其市镇会提问四个问题: 市镇会是否能未咨询居民同意,擅用大笔款项,用在非市镇用途? 市镇会可否对居民隐瞒有关大笔款项的资讯? 市镇会在聘请律师时,是否货比三家律师报价? 市镇会是否违反了自身条规? 李子旭说,其友人表示,致函提问白沙-榜鹅市镇会,主要是要问责,既然该市镇会聘请了新加坡最贵的律师达文星,是否有动用市镇会的款项? 诉讼案的中心人物—诉方律师达文星,乃是行动党籍大巴窑集选区前议员,也是已故李光耀和总理李显龙的王牌律师,为他们在诉讼案中打败过多名对手,包括邓亮洪、徐顺全、博客鄞义林,以及多家外国媒体如《经济学人》、彭博社和《纽约时报》。 市镇会:诉讼仍进行不回应 但是,两周前电邮给市镇会的询问仿如石沉大海,即是这名居民反复拨电给市镇会,得到的答复也只是“不会针对审讯中的诉讼作回应。” 李子旭把该居民的经历分享在脸书,让更多人知道此事,一同问责该市镇会是否有合理使用公款。 居民质问聘请达文星律师费 2011年,本地连锁酒店业者、飞龙集团总裁许伟明聘请达文星,起诉本地劳斯莱斯代理Trans Eurokars,指被告售卖给他的劳斯莱斯幻影,在进行三步转时会发出噪音和震动。 不过,最终法庭裁决许伟明败诉,并须承担高达200万新元的诉讼费。 鉴于阿裕尼-后港和白沙-榜鹅市镇会诉讼旷日持久,诉辩双方法律文件超过万页,达文星律师事务所会对诉方征收多少的律师费,也是许多民众的疑问。
by Whether it is to pay off your debt quicker, save more, or just have a better lifestyle, earning extra money is never a bad idea....