Food guru KF Seetoh from Makansutra wrote an open letter to Senior Minister of State Dr Amy Khor on Tuesday (9 Oct) imploring her to preserve Singapore’s public hawker centres. In essence, Mr Seetoh is against the government appointing a 3rd-party, the so-called “social enterprise” operator, to run publicly funded hawker centres.

In his letter, Mr Seetoh also shared more unfair practices adopted by some of the Social Enterprise Hawker Centre (SEHC) operators against hawkers.

In particular, he highlighted some of the high-handed tactics adopted by one SEHC operator after going through the agreement between the operator and a hawker. The operator would penalize the hawker if the hawker quit his stall half-way, making him pay the remaining months of rent and fees until a new tenant, subjected to the approval of the operator, is found.

The one-sided contract also stated that the operator is entitled to “at any time” and “from time to time” increase stall rentals and ancillary charges. There is little the hawker can do once he signs the agreement.

SEHC operator belongs to Koufu owned by Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC grassroots leader Pang Lim

Yesterday (11 Oct), Todayonline reported that the SEHC involved is actually the new Jurong West Hawker Centre, run by Hawker Management Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Koufu Group. Koufu in fact, just went public recently in Jul this year. Koufu is founded by Mr Pang Lim (PBM), a grassroots leader at Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC. He is the Vice-Chairman of Punggol 21 CC Building Fund Committee as well as Patron of Punggol North CCC and Punggol 21 CCMC.

Todayonline also reported other dubious tactics employed by the Koufu’s subsidiary, forcing the hawkers to subsidize the tray-return monies. It was reported that hawkers at Jurong West Hawker Centre are the ones paying for patrons to return their trays. In other words, unlike other hawker centres where the patrons would pay a small deposit per tray and get their refunds when they return the trays, the patrons at Jurong West Hawker Centre do not pay for the trays. When they return the trays, they will get $0.20 for each tray. Koufu then charges the hawkers accordingly.

The hawkers said sometimes they even had arguments with patrons over trays due to the tray returning system imposed by Koufu. For example, if a customer uses three trays for three dishes that could be placed on one tray, the stallholder has to fork out 60 cents in total, a hawker pointed out.

One hawker also told Todayonline that they had to pay up to $900 a month for tray charges, on top of the monthly rental and the ancillary charges imposed by Koufu. He gave a breakdown of the costs:

Rent – $2,140
Dish washing – $1,100
Cash machine rental – $300
Tray return – $900
Service fee – $250
Total: $4,690

Furthermore, according to Mr Seetoh, Koufu’s subsidairy would also charge hawkers for contract drafts whenever it updates management terms in the agreement.

Hawkers launch petition but NEA says hawkers aware of charges before signing agreement

Feeling the pinch, some hawkers at Jurong West Hawker Centre have petitioned the National Environment Agency (NEA) for the operator to remove the fee of 20 cents for each returned tray.

The NEA said that it has received “feedback” from some stallholders at Jurong West Hawker Centre. Stallholders were “aware of the charges involved before signing the (tenancy) agreement” with Hawker Management, said a spokesperson from NEA.

The agency has asked Hawker Management to work with the stallholders to address any concerns on this matter. It added that effective tray-return systems make the cleaning of tables easier and faster, which is beneficial to both customers and stallholders.

In the contract, indeed, it is stated that stallholders must take part in the “tray return with incentive system implemented by the landlord”, where the tenant “shall pay S$0.20 / tray issued to the tray cleaning contractor at the point of issuance”:

Koufu’s subsidiary, in reply to Todayonline, said the tray return system was a joint effort by stallholders and the management.

“The initiative was implemented to achieve two objectives — to collectively encourage customers to return their used trays and thereby creating a cleaner and more comfortable environment; and to increase productivity within the hawker centre and provide more affordable food options for the community,” it added.

NEA said it is looking into the matter.

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李光耀公共政策研究院前副院长刘浩典教授,指出新加坡的精英主义,通常不是因为“成功新加坡人缺乏同情心”,或社会开支不足,反之,更多是源于“非常精英化”的政府政策和决策过程。 针对学者李秀萍和前政府投资公司经济师杨南强,提及现有对低收入群体支援不足、小贩面对压力的情况,刘浩典于上周五再次撰文,提醒精英化的政府政策,透过三大方面展现: 其一,家长式作风,认为所有人只要遵守新加坡精英们的设想去做,社会就会变得美好。 二,社会工程:自以为政府可以打造出精英们所设想的社会。 三,威权主义:极度怀疑公民社会、独立媒体或任何可能挑战政府权威和专业的非政府行动主义者。 倨傲的精英和复杂社会情势极不搭调 他直言,上述信念不仅非常精英且倨傲,甚至和越发复杂的社会情势极不搭调。 “随着社会问题越发复杂,就没有绝对清晰的解决方案。正确的做法,应该是更加谨慎、时常检视自身是否存在偏见、决策上也不宜过早妄下定论。” 讽刺的是,近年来的局势发展恰恰相反:对于越发复杂的情境,人民行动党政府却越发坚持其核心理念,从当前对最低薪资制的论战中,就可见一斑。 他补充,政府显而易见的精英主义,也体现在把人民当作实现他们宏伟愿景的工具,例如小贩们面对的处境就是最佳例子。 小贩政策偏离小贩实际需求 “政府谈的都不是小贩们真正需要的东西。小贩们只是政府为了实现某些目的的手段:负担得起的小贩美食、“充满活力”的小贩中心,提升小贩生产力、打造只会国家和申遗等等。”…