The current court case involving the Workers’ Party borders between the curious and the ludicrous.

The WP Members of Parliament and town councillors are being sued by its very own Aljunied-Hougang Town Council over improper payments.

There are those who say it can be easily explained but to ordinary simple-minded folks, it simply defies logic.

But we should not be too surprised about the anomaly of ownself sue ownself because there have been precedents.

Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said it was not necessary to vote in more opposition members into Parliament to check on the People’s Action Party because “we (the PAP) are our own checks.”

ESM Goh clearly meant what he said because subsequent photos which circulated online showed that a Marine Parade Town Council employee was listed as both cleaner and cleaning supervisor for the constituency’s blocks. A clear case of ownself check ownself being put into practice.

From ownself check ownself, we then progressed to ownself clear ownself – the result after a two-day session in Parliament over abuse of power allegations made by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s siblings.

PM Lee himself declared that Singaporeans’ confidence in him and the ruling party had been “restored” because “people can see that there has been no abuse of power, by me or the Government. I hope that this two-day debate has cleared the air and will calm things down.”

Whichever way you look at it, you just can’t help but dub it as a case of ownself calling for Parliament debate, then ownself clearing ownself.

So now, we have the reached yet another milestone – ownself sue ownself. What they will come up with next is anybody’s guess.

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