Source: Screengrab of LTA’s YouTube channel.

Land Transport Authority (LTA) has announced that the southbound section of the Lornie Highway has been completed and will be open to traffic on Sunday (28 October), which is parallel to Lornie Road and facilitates traffic flow from the existing Thomson Road/Lornie Road towards the Pan Island Expressway (PIE)/Adam Road/Farrer Road.

In a press release on Thursday (11 October), LTA shared that new vehicular underpass constructed near the entrance of the highway will allow motorists to access the residential area along Lornie Road, while a temporary road connection near Sime Road has been constructed to connect traffic from the existing southbound Lornie Road to southbound Lornie Highway.

Source: LTA.

The authority stated that with the opening of southbound Lornie Highway, motorists heading towards PIE, Adam Road and Farrer Road are advised to use the new Lornie Highway to reach their destinations.

It noted that the existing southbound four-lane Lornie Road will progressively be downgraded to two lanes from 28 October 2018. The new Lornie Highway, when fully completed, will help to ease congestion along Lornie Road and the PIE, and cater to expected growth in future traffic demand.

As an additional information, LTA noted that Bus Services 52, 74, 93, 852 and 855, which currently ply Lornie Road (towards Adam Road), will be adjusted to ply the new southbound Lornie Highway, while Bus Services 157 and 165 will continue to ply Lornie Road.

The existing bus stop along southbound Lornie Road opposite Singapore Island Country Club (SICC) will also be relocated to the southbound Lornie Highway before Kheam Hock Road (towards Adam Road/ Bukit Timah Road). There are no bus route changes at present for the seven bus services that ply along the northbound Lornie Road (towards Thomson Road/ Braddell Road).

Source: LTA.

LTA advised motorists to plan their routes in advance. Traffic signs will be available on site to help motorists navigate to their destinations. To familiarise motorists with the new road network, LTA is producing a series of videos showing the routes they can take when travelling in the area, which will be available on LTA’s website and YouTube channel approximately one week before the opening, from 22 October 2018.

The public can also refer to maps that will be published in the newspapers and listen to radio messages broadcast on LTA Traffic News before the opening of the new highway.

Meanwhile, the authority stated that the northbound Lornie Highway towards MacRitchie Viaduct will be completed in phases, with the entire stretch expected to complete in the first-quarter of 2019. Detailed route changes of the surrounding areas will be shared closer to the opening date of northbound Lornie Highway.

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