It was reported that Indian national Nagarajan Balajee, 35, was arrested and charged in court yesterday (2 Oct), for threatening to publish defamatory libel about StanChart’s global head of digital banking and retail, Aalishaan Zaidi, unless Mr Zaidi gave him $500,000 in cash.

Nagarajan allegedly committed the offence on the morning of 27 Sept at Standard Chartered office in Changi Business Park.

The bank made a police report on the day of the incident.

According to the Chinese media, Nagarajan is actually a department head also working in Standard Chartered.

Indeed, online information revealed that Nagarajan is the Head of Management & Financial Reporting – Digital Banking at Standard Chartered Bank.

His first degree was from Pondicherry University in India.

The person Nagarajan allegedly extorting from, Aalishaan Zaidi, was born in Karachi, Pakistan.

Mr Zaidi is currently based in Singapore and is responsible for Digital Banking covering end-to-end digital customer experience, self serve and staff assisted channels, and digital commerce in Standard Chartered.

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