The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) is set to have all 19 pump wells located at fire stations decommissioned by end of year in response to the...
The Singapore International Cyber Week (SICW) 2018 is an established cybersecurity event where interested parties can discuss, network, and strategise with like-minded individuals and organisations. The...
The police confirmed on Thursday (13 Sep) that the driver of a black Maserati SKK9192G has been arrested for dangerous driving after a video of his...
According to new labour data released by MOM yesterday (13 Sep), unemployment rate is inching up for Singapore citizens. The overall unemployment rate rose from 2...
Starting today (14 Sep), only religious groups with an active contribution to the community and have sustainable means of funding are allowed to bid for Place...
The Singapore government needs to shift its approach towards urban redevelopment and land acquisition from a “very aggressive” one to a “softer” and more “progressive one,...
I refer to two letters published by TODAYonline in relation to the Voluntary Early Redevelopment Scheme (Vers) announced by the government recently. In the first letter, “Beware the...
Unsurprisingly, churches in Singapore have come out on the side of keeping Section 377A of the Penal Code. That law is in line with their religious...
The People’s Action Party (PAP) Community Foundation (PCF) has announced its plan to accommodate 15,000 additional pre-school children in its centres throughout the next five years....
从2015年开始,国内至少有七座小贩中心,以社会企业模式经营。 本地有114做小贩中心,在2027年前,还会增减13座小贩中心。不过根据卫生部兼环境及水源部高级政务部长许连碹博士,日前在拜访淡滨尼综合站小贩中心时,曾对媒体表示,未来是否会继续沿用社企模式,还有待评估。 早前有小贩反映,他们在这些社企经营的摊位,被征收附加费用,例如高达1千200元的中央清洗碗盘费。而一般社企小贩中心,管理层所征收的中央洗碗盘费用,约介于600-800元。 淡滨尼综合站小贩中心,也被誉为首个24小时营业的小贩中心。 事实上,就有读者在两年前,在咖啡店集团旗下子公司OTMH,于2016年11月正式接管淡滨尼小贩中心前,致函本社申诉,有关社企管理层对小贩们的要求,形同要落实“现代版的奴隶制”。 当时,有关读者有意申请该小贩中心摊位,于是联系社企OTMH公司,被告知业者需至少营业12个小时,最长24小时。 鼓励小贩经营超过12小时 这意味着,要实施现代咖啡店24小时不打烊概念,管理层可以要求摊主们拉长经营时间,也更倾向于把摊位租给愿意长时间工作的小贩,最好是能24小时、每周七天都营业。 读者认为,小贩和其他辛勤工作的新加坡人一样,也需要休息和休假,他们也要陪家人子女。压榨小贩们的劳动和时间,剥夺他们应有的休息,藉此最大化小贩中心的盈利。 该读者也质疑,为何审核小贩申请资格的不再是环境局,而全权交给有关社企公司。 他认为,完全由该公司自行决定而不是公开招标,有欠公平。这是因为小贩中心是用公款建设,政府才是拥有者,社会企业只是管理小贩中心的代理人。 “为何他们(指社企)可以被赋予如此多自由,在不公布遴选过程的情况下,来自行选择小贩?” OTMH社企对小贩征收的附加费用如下: 桌椅清理:500元 碗碟清洗:700元 设施管理:300元 租用POS电子点餐和智能出纳系统:100/200元 其他小贩们需承担的费用还包括:摄影、白钢厨具、比普通数量2.5倍多的餐具、律师费和出纳系统的维修保养等等。 该读者认为,如果新的社企管理模式,要惠及普通民众,为何还要透过各种附加开销来增加小贩的负担。 国家环境局曾要求,每个小贩摊位应准备至少两道价格2.80元以下,民众可负担的食物。既要压低小贩食物价格,同时社会企业又以各种费用来压榨小贩们,令小贩们负荷不来。