Michael Chiang’s Private Parts will be back on stage for another run in November

You might recognise Michael Chiang for his hits like Army Daze, Beauty…

Hopefully, childhoods of children are not marred as a means to garner bigger vote share

According to reports, schools in Singapore are conducting “lockdown” drills, with teachers…

Holding a referendum on section 377A issue

With section 377A hitting the headlines again, the debate on whether to…

Has Tan Wu Meng confused fear and compulsion with diligence and discipline?

Singapore’s active courting of the North Korean state is somewhat disturbing. It…

Penal Code review committee pushing for the repeal of legislation on attempted suicide, recommends treatment in place of criminalisation

The decriminalisation of attempted suicide has become one of the highest priorities…

HDB upgrading and redevelopment – an act of inequality

by Liew Yeng Chee Referring to the ST report (5 Sept 2018), ‘Wrong…

Racist remark by Fandi Ahmad?

National interim football coach Fandi Ahmad and the Football Association of Singapore…

疗养院疑疏忽致健康恶化 向卫生部投诉调查两年无结果

疗养院疑出现照料疏忽,致使一名中风年长者病情加重,在陷入行动完全瘫痪、靠输管进食的两年生活后与世长辞。家人两年来不间断发电邮、联系卫生部调查,所得到的答复都是:请等候进一步调查结果。 网民王光祥,在一篇署名”无助的新加坡人“的脸书贴文分享,其岳父洪荣晟乃中风患者,在2016年7月29日,被安排住进一家疗养院。虽然有疾在身,但入院前仍很有精神,还能在辅助下行走、进食。 然而,住进这家疗养院,岳父的健康状况却每况愈下。最终在20天后,即8月10日因为情况紧急被送急诊,当时,他完全无法答话,被诊断严重脱水,家人甚至被告知作最坏打算。 此后,王光祥的岳父只能长期躺在病床,完全依靠他人护理,只能以输管进食,也无法与人正常沟通。如此生活根本没有任何品质可言。 洪荣晟的身体状况一直如此,直到他在2018年8月19日与世长辞,没能迎来两周后9月1日的65岁生日。 王光祥披露,疗养院护理人员声称,其岳父好动且不听劝,只好以束带禁锢,导致手腕出现勒伤,看护人员甚至没有注意到束带下有伤口,也没发现其岳父长期在床出现褥疮。 针对有网民询问为何不在家照料岳父,王光祥也解释,他们家是双薪家庭,意味着他们夫妻出外工作后,家里只剩下不善照料情绪化老者的帮佣和两名年幼小孩。为此当时把岳父交由疗养院专人看护,是较好的选择。 疑未正常喂食 ”我们不会丢下我们的家人,我妻子长期以来都是岳父的主要看护人,还要承担身为妻子、母亲和一名女儿的责任。“ 在疗养院住两周期间,洪荣晟亲人都有轮流探望他,每次带食物给他吃,岳父都显得饥不择食,令家人起疑,质问看护人员是否有正常喂食。职员总是回应”他没有吃完“,”他老是这样“来敷衍。 报警并投诉卫生部 认为疗养院出现护理疏忽,王光祥一家在两年前,就已报警,并投诉到卫生部,同时致函给全权拥有疗养院的KV…

“I still want to continue” – Lim Chu Kang farmer dares time and fate

by Tan Yi Han Evelyn Eng-Lim had just celebrated her 74th birthday.…

Detention of a radicalised Singaporean and suspension of order of detention under the Internal Security Act

A 33-year-old Information Technology Engineer, was detained in August 2018 under the…