You don’t own your flat. The government does.

By categorically stating that the fundamental reason as to why HDB flats…

Siemens Pte Ltd and STEE Ltd consortium awarded S$18.8 million contract to develop and implement Rail Enterprise Asset Management System

Siemens Pte Ltd and ST Engineering Electronics (STEE) Limited consortium have been…

The crying Prime Minister: Does Lee Hsien Loong’s tears work in his favour?

Politicians who cry publicly may be perceived on one hand as weak…

Precautionary recall of Dumex Mamil Gold Infant Milk Formula – Step 1 (850g)

The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) has announced in a press release…

LTA releases road closure plans for F1 2018 SIA Grand Prix

Land Transport Authority has announced the road closure over seven days during…

PM Lee implying that citizens should like those in developing country while living in a country that professes to be first world

While I was hoping against hope that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s…

Five ways to save on your destination wedding

by ValuePenguin Thinking of having a destination wedding? Here are some money-saving tips…

Chee Soon Juan National Day Message 2018

Secretary-general of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) Chee Son Juan delivered his…

民主党提替代方案 吁公共住宅政策非营利

“李总理国庆群众大会的宣布,远离有根据和仔细的研究考量,让人想起他曾告诉选民公共组屋会增值的假说。这种虚假和不负责任地主张,使新加坡陷入当前庞大的住房和财务问题。” 针对李显龙在本周日提到的数项房屋政策,民主党于今日撰文抨击,与其提出有效的解决方案,人民行动党还在天花乱坠想尽办法争取选票,罔顾国家未来前景堪虑。 文告质疑,如果房子在3、40年后价值归零,住户是否愿意掏钱来翻新即将会贬值的房子? 对于自愿提早重建计划(VERS),该党认为,假设组屋在进行第二次翻新之后10年,就让住户投票决定是否提早出售给政府,似乎不符逻辑,也浪费公共资源。 “出售组屋给政府重建的住户,政府又能赔偿多少?赔偿的款项又从何而来呢?” 文告也提醒,选择性整体重建计划,诱使卖主想从赔偿中获利,同样地,VERS是否也促使人们透过售卖旧组屋套利? 高赔额推高房价 “为安抚住户对99年屋契到期屋价归零的不满,政府在该政策必然提供富吸引力的赔额,然而高赔偿额也将推高转售组屋的价格。” 结果,更多买家掏空他们的公积金来偿还组屋。更何况退休长者,会因为用公积金偿还组屋贷款,影响退休积蓄。 民主党文告指出,李显龙提及的政策,未考量年长住户离开熟悉生活环境和亲友的压力,不要忘了孤独感和无助是导致年长者自杀率高攀的祸首。 “再看看过去,居民为整体重建计划,和邻里冲突争执,为此影响社区的和谐,真的值得吗?” 文告也不忘揶揄,李显龙提出的政策,只是为了减轻公共组屋价值最终归零这个事实,对该党带来的杀伤力。…

Police advisory on SMSes claiming kidnap of loved ones

Singapore Police Force (SPF) has issued an advisory to warn members of…