Are our political leaders seduced by their own hype, becoming numb to criticism and to the ails and concerns of the people?

It certainly looks that way. They turn a deaf ear and stand…

Death-row convict’s application to reopen case fails; lawyer faces risk of personally bearing Prosecution’s costs

by Guo Rendi A 61-year-old death-row prisoner, who had been convicted for…

Ryde expands into on-demand courier services and motorcycles market with RydeSEND

Ryde Technologies (Ryde), Singapore’s homegrown mobility app, has clarified that it will not…

Do the mystery box vending machines really constitute gambling?

Singapore has always had a strict approach when it comes to public…

Gradual easing of dry and warm conditions in the next fortnight

Gradual easing of dry and warm conditions with increased showers forecast in…

HSA alert: ‘Body Slim Herbal’ and ‘Sparkle Twins’ sold online found to contain banned substance Sibutramine

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) alerted members of the public not to…

We need the Press more than ever

by Shiro In the West, for every liar or propaganda outlet, they…

“神秘”的公积金制度? 公积金退休存款没变  民众惊觉派息少了

“犹抱琵琶半遮面”,公积金局的运作,总是蒙上一层神秘面纱。 专栏作家和时评人梁师轩,发现一名民众报章分享,惊觉公积金派息减少一事,也在个人专页调侃充满神秘感的公积金局体制。 事缘一民众林东华(译音),在本月14日于《海峡时报》撰文分享,本身好奇在新的派息利率下,在自己踏入65岁至70岁时,其公积金终身入息(CPF Life)户头会派息多少。 为此,他在今年一月向公积金局索讨派息预览副本。在上月,他再度致函公积金局提醒,但是所收到的消息,令他感到惊恐,因为预计的新派息,竟比今年一月的还要低。 他马上想到,有没有可能是自己的退休户头被盗用了? 退休存款一样,派息却少了 “我随即上网登入我的公积金户头检查,庆幸我的退休户头存款(RA)毫发无伤。我很讶异,我的退休户头存款数额一样(没有累计利率),为何派息却减少了?我再次致函要求公积金局解释。” 数日后,公积金局官员有拨电给林东华,解释一月份的派息算法和七月不同,可是,负责计算派息的是不同部门,该官员也无法给作者合理解释,为何两个时期的派息算法不一样。 官员答不上所以然 作者希望公积金局对于管理民众公积金的派息,能更透明、划一,特别是大多数民众作为门外汉,很混淆为何,在退休户头存款不变,随着时间推移派息反而减少? “这不符合逻辑,因为随着时间推移会产生利率,派息应该更多才对(即便有多么微不足道)。”…