DBS adds to 50th anniversary gifts; offers free WIFI on selected buses

To commemorate and celebrate its 50th anniversary, commuters on DBS-branded SBS Transit buses will…

Vivian says M’sia benefitted from buying treated water at 21% of cost but why SG consumers charged at least 672%?

In Parliament today (9 Jul), Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said he expects…

Mastercard partners with Singapore Police Force to implement new fraud-fighting device that tackles card crime

To combat fraud, Mastercard today announced its partnership with the Commercial Affairs…

Three types of products that are always overpriced and how to avoid them

by ValuePenguin In life, there are more than a few things that we…

Sports Hub CEO dodges question about lack of events at National Stadium, talks about 2017 instead 

Four years after opening in 2014, the Singapore Sports Hub still does…

Four holidays left for Singapore: Three simple ways to save on all your vacations in 2018

by ValuePenguin With only 4 more holidays left in 2018 for Singapore, we’ve…

S$1.49 trillion Norway fund “management costs” S$0.75b, S$275billion Temasek “admin. expenses” S$8b

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MOM needs to regulate how blue collar workers are treated.

The sad reality of capitalism is that there will always exploitation by…

Govt cannot allow a scenario whereby prices for basic necessities can be raised sharply and suddenly in close proximity

I know that many before me have bemoaned the raise  in the…

津贴、保险后医药费仍高 网友忧福利跟不上医疗通膨

一名网友分享友人郑瑞豪(译音)的住院经历,感叹老百姓虽然花钱买保险、还公积金保健储蓄(Medisave),然而真正需要时,获得赔偿额仍难以应付日益高涨的医药费。此事引起网民纷纷留言热议,认识到现有医疗津贴制和保险的局限。 该名网友以此事为例,认为在重度残障情况下,终身护保每月只赔600新元仍有不足,即使无病无痛,最后仍难以索回保费。特别是未来医疗费逐年调涨,我们的公积金、终身健保是否能减轻我们的负担? 郑瑞豪在2018年二月26日,突发心脏病和心脏骤停,在陈笃生医院接受治疗。有两天必须躺在加护病房,随后三天转到普通病房,并接受了气球血管扩张手术(PCI)和植入支架。 他说,政府只津贴1万4000元,终身健保则津贴了1万元,然而自己仅能从公积金保健储蓄(Medisave)提取4千073元,扣了上述数额,自己仍必须承担约1万3千元的医药费。 郑瑞豪在帖文中叹,自己的医药费并没有获得政府津贴65巴仙,医疗储蓄至少有5万2千积蓄,但在当下生死关头,却无用武之地。 一名网友还质疑此贴文的真伪,因为我国公民享用政府医院服务,不论住C级病房或手术,理应至少能得65巴仙津贴,不过郑瑞豪亲自解释,也将当时的医疗收据上载,给众网友评评理:他确确实实为整个治疗服了1万3千余元的医疗费。 郑瑞豪说,完整收据有6页,问题关键不在于每个单一事项,是否获65巴仙津贴,而是在总数额,能够获得多少津贴。“C级病房也没有电视、个人卫生用品和冷气等,我还要请家人带我的个人餐具和杯子。可是一晚住宿在津贴后,仍要价212元,即便是五星级酒店都没那么贵!” 网民Kumar则分享时事评论家Andrew Loh在2016年的境遇:接受血管造影侦测,和诊断是否适合进行血管扩张手术,医药费达1万0727新元。这笔费用或政府津贴6千767.90新元(约65巴仙),终身健保偿还720元,再扣除部分保健储蓄,Andrew先生只需付2千248新元。 至于Andrew的另一心脏绕道手术要价2万5千554新元,政府津贴高达80巴仙即2万0664元;Andrew再用终身健保偿还4千909元,剩余的380元只需用保健储蓄偿还,他根本不需再自掏腰包出一分钱。 (CGH=樟宜中央医院;KTPH=邱德拔医院;NHC=国家心脏中心;NTFGH=黄廷芳综合医院;NUH=国立大学医院;TTSH=陈笃生医院。图源来自卫生部官网) 政府提供基础安全网…