Three taxation-related Bills were tabled in the Malaysian Parliament today on 31 July, including the GST (Repeal) Bill 2018 for its first reading, by the nation’s...
Malaysia Prime Minister and cabinet members dropped into a hospital in Singapore to visit Malaysian Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin over the weekend where he is recovering...
A recent conversation on Facebook got me interested on the topic of how much the CEO of Temasek Holdings might be earning. I realised that this...
According to reports, veteran civil servant Benny Lim has been parachuted into the National Parks Board (NParks) as its new chairman. While Mr Lim retired in...
While Singapore aims for pole position in many things, the one thing it has recently topped the charts for may be a dubious honour. According to UK-based...
马来西亚内政部长丹斯里慕尤丁在手术后,于本地一家私人医院静养,包括马首相敦马哈迪伉俪、副揆旺阿兹莎等高官,纷纷越过长堤到狮城探访慕尤丁,祝福后者早日康复。 敦马是在上周六(28日)探望慕尤丁。从后者脸书专页照片显示,慕尤丁气色良好,和敦马伉俪聊天,直到敦马一行在一个小时后离开。 除了敦马,马国副揆旺阿兹莎、财长林冠英、教育部长马智礼和国防副部长刘镇东皆曾先后探望慕尤丁。 慕尤丁是在本月12日,成功进行切除初期胰脏瘤手术,请假期间由首相马哈迪暂代掌内政部。他现年71岁,也是土著团结党主席及巴莪区国会议员。 相信是基于私隐和避免被打扰,慕尤丁专页并未透露前者在哪间医院静养,不过,有眼尖网民发现,慕尤丁养病的病房装潢似乎颇为雅尚,从木质地板和近似酒店的舒适空间,网民推断慕尤丁应是住在百汇班台(Parkway Pantai)旗下的医院。 基于早前敦马重挑马新水供调价争议,一些网民乘机讥讽敦马,原本轻视“小红点”,但是高官养病仍得来狮城而不是在大马,因为还是狮城的医疗服务更优良。 “为何敦马不带自己的水来?他曾嘲笑我们的水务局,说我们喝尿水。但结果他来新加坡,还在我们的餐馆用餐(敦马一行探望慕尤丁后,曾到一家巴东餐厅用餐),喝我们的过滤水何不嘲笑自己?干嘛敦马口是心非?”网民欣蒂(译音)如此揶揄道。 很快就有网民站出来打脸,表示新加坡一些私立医院,背后大股东也是马国政府。 马主权基金持股亚洲最大医疗业者 事实上,以先前提到的百汇班台,就是马国国库控股(Khazanah National Berhad)旗下官联企业综合保健控股有限公司(IHH)所有。IHH也是亚洲最大的医院业者。 国库控股,是马来西亚的国家主权财富基金,既是在马哈迪于1993年创办。旗下投资领域多元:电信、航空、金融、石油、电力、医疗保健、教育、基础建设、重工业、房地产、旅游业和广播等。 其中在医疗领域,国库控股在综合保健控股持股45巴仙,透过IHH集团对百汇班台(Parkway Pantai)持股100巴仙。 百汇班台是亚洲最大私人医疗服务集团,在马、新、印度、中国大陆、汶莱和阿拉伯联合酋长国等地,拥有28间医院。 IHH集团在新加坡拥有四间医院:百汇东岸医院(Parkway East)、伊丽莎白医院(Mount Elizabeth)、伊丽莎白诺维娜医院(Mount Elizabeth Novena)和鹰阁医院(Gleneagles)。 新企进军马发展医疗旅游 故此,马国内政部长在马资私立医院养病,也无不妥。事实上,马新两国医疗投资者,在两地都有相互拓展业务,例如新加坡富豪林荣福旗下的TMC生命科学,也计划进军柔佛Vantage Bay医疗城市,打造全新综合医疗中心— 康生伊斯干达(Thomson...
Singaporean Kenneth Kee played his way to US$2.86 million (S$3.9 million) at the Triton Hold’em Event at Jeju South Korea. The poker tournament is the first...
The New Paper reported on Monday (30 Jul) that vendors at the new Pasir Ris Central Hawker Centre were unhappy over several issues – late payment of cashless...
The US State Department released its annual Trafficking in Persons report in June 2018, in which Singapore was given a Tier 2 ranking.1 Even though the...
A young national gymnast, who is aiming to represent Singapore at the Olympics has been given a boost by Chiam See Tong Sports Fund. On Saturday,...