Congested traffic in the narrow passageway in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, the world’s busiest shipping lane from Shutterstock

An Indonesian-flagged ferry, Sri Kandi 99, ran aground on a rock bund at the southern tip of Pulau Tekong, within Singapore port waters at 11.42 pm on Monday (9 July)

The Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore stated that it received a report of the ferry, which was making a return trip from Panama-registered passenger vessel “Aegean Paradise”, anchored south of Pengerang, Johor, to Pasir Gudang, Johor when she ran aground.

According to the authority, the ferry was carrying 34 passengers (33 Malaysians and 1 Vietnamese) and 11 Indonesian crew.

It noted that all 45 people onboard were safe and accounted for. The passengers were subsequently transferred to another ferry, Camara Samudra, and disembarked at Tanjong Pengelih, Johor at 5.15am.

The crew are assisting with the investigations.

MPA also said that there are no reports of injury or oil pollution, adding that the owner is making arrangements to re-float the ferry.

The authority is investigating the incident.

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