Singapore, Singapore – April 29, 2018: Merlion Park and Marina Bay Sands on a sunny day, Singapore from Shutterstock

The first two weeks of July 2018 is not expected to be as wet as the last two weeks of June 2018, said the Meteorological Service on Monday (2 July).

The service stated that the Southwest Monsoon conditions have been prevailing over Singapore and the surrounding region since June 2018. These conditions are forecast to persist in July 2018, with the low-level winds blowing predominantly from the southeast or southwest. On a few days, the winds may shift to blow briefly from the west.

It then noted that with less rainfall, generally warmer temperatures can be expected. On most days in the first half of July 2018, the daily temperature is forecast to range between 25°C and 34°C, and on a few of these days, the daily maximum temperature could reach a high of around 35°C.

Met then said that in the first fortnight of July 2018, thundery showers due to strong solar heating of land areas are expected in the late morning and early afternoon on five to seven days. In addition, on one or two days between the predawn hours and early morning, the passage of a Sumatra squall from the Strait of Malacca towards the South China Sea is expected to bring thundery showers with occasional gusty winds over Singapore.

“Overall, the rainfall for the first fortnight of July 2018 is likely to be slightly below normal over most parts of Singapore,” it said.

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