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The Workers’ Party has released its statement regarding the collision between two trains incident which took place at Joo Koon Station on Wednesday (15 November) morning, calling upon Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT), transport operator of the East West Line, to render all necessary support to all the passengers affected by the incident.

Due to the incident on Wednesday morning, 29 people were sent to Ng Teng Fong Hospital and the National University Hospital for their injuries.

SMRT and Land Transport Authority (LTA) have reported earlier that according to their preliminary investigation, the incident was due to the “inadvertent” disabling of a software protection feature.

Workers’ Party stressed that SMRT has to ensure that the company covers all their medical expenses resulting from this incident, including any long-term treatment costs.

It also asked LTA to work with the SMRT to undertake an exhaustive root cause analysis and make the necessary system improvements to minimise the risk of such an accident recurring.

As millions of Singaporeans depend on the MRT for their daily commute, Workers’ Party stressed that they should not have to worry about their safety when they travel to and from home, work, or school.

Here is what Workers’ Party wrote in full:

The Workers’ Party is disturbed to learn about the MRT train collision this morning which saw 23 commuters and two SMRT staff injured, including at least two with major injuries. Our thoughts and prayers are with the injured.

We call on SMRT to render all necessary support to them, and ensure that the company covers all their medical expenses resulting from this incident, including any long-term treatment costs.

The collision occurred when a moving train hit a stationary train at Joo Koon station. The collision suggests a failure of the systems that ought to prevent such an event, which presumably should have several levels of checks.

While facts are still emerging, we ask that the LTA will work with the SMRT to undertake an exhaustive root cause analysis and make the necessary system improvements to minimise the risk of such an accident recurring.

Millions of Singaporeans depend on the MRT for their daily commute. They should not have to worry about their safety when they travel to and from home, work, or school.

The Workers’ Party
15 November 2017

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