Source: Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Hsien Loong Facebook account.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that he is not sure if the dispute with his siblings over plans to demolish the home of Lee Kuan Yew has been solved while his younger brother, Lee Hsien Yang claims in a Facebook post that his elder brother has not reached out to the siblings despite PM Lee’s statement saying that he is unsure.

In a wide ranging interview with CNBC which comes ahead of PM Lee’s official working visit to the United States from 22 to 26 October at the invitation of US President Donald Trump, PM Lee said, “The matter is in abeyance. I am not sure that it is solved,”

This was said in response to a question on whether he and his siblings have resolved the issue.

PM Lee also revealed that he was “of course” sad about the falling out and that he and his siblings had not “recently communicated”

“I think they are where they are. Perhaps one day when emotions have subsided, some movement will be possible. These things take time,” PM Lee said.

His comments comes four months after a rare feud between PM Lee and his siblings, Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Lee Wei Ling, spilled over into the public domain which led to the Prime Minister calling for a parliamentary debate on the matter in July this year that lasted two days.

Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Lee Weiling had alleged their brother of abusing his political office to prevent the demolition of the family home at 38 Oxley Road, as last willed by their late father.

However, PM Lee has denied the allegations.

Responding to his brother’s comment on the interview, Lee Hsien Yang, wrote on a Facebook post on Friday (20 October), stated that Hsien Loong has made no attempt to reach out to them to resolve matters in private, which is notwithstanding his public statements.

Mr Lee Hsien Yang wrote, “Meanwhile, the Attorney General is busy prosecuting Hsien Loong’s nephew for his private correspondence. The AGC’s letters make repeated reference to the family feud,”

The Facebook post was also shared by Dr Lee on her Facebook page.

Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s son, Lee Sheng Wu was earlier charged by the Attorney General’s Chamber due to a private Facebook posting which the AGC deems to be in contempt of the courts.

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