Health Sciences Authority (HSA), has announced that on 22 September 2017, its officers supported by the Singapore Police Force (SPF), uncovered a large amount of illegal sexual enhancements drugs (SEDs) in a residential unit of a private apartment block in Geylang.

About 300,000 units of assorted illegal SEDs were seized, worth an approximate street value of more than $700,000 – the largest seizure in five years.

Illegal SEDs stored under bed (Source: HSA).


Stocks of illegal SEDs in boxes and bags (Source: HSA).


Large amount of illegal SEDs kept in cupboards (Source: HSA).


HSA stated that it apprehended the intended recipient, a 26-year-old Chinese male, outside a private residential apartment in Lorong 32 Geylangfollowing an alert from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) about one parcel believed to contain a large assortment of illegal health products.

The man then led HSA officers to his rented room in the building where more illegal health products were recovered. Another man was found in the rented room. Both men are currently assisting HSA with investigations for importing illegal health products

HSA stressed that it takes a serious stand against illegal activities that would harm public health.

“We will take strong enforcement actions against those who engage in the sale and supply of health products containing undeclared medicinal ingredients,” it wrote, adding that anyone who imports and/or supplies illegal health products is liable to prosecution and if convicted, may be imprisoned for up to 3 years and/or fined up to $100,000.

HSA stated that it would like to reiterate the dangers of purchasing health products from dubious sources such as street peddlers. These products may be illegal, counterfeit or substandard, and may contain undeclared, potent ingredients which can potentially cause serious adverse reactions when consumed.

The Authority encouraged members of the public to report any illegal activity involving sexual enhancement products to the Enforcement Branch of HSA at Tel: 6866-3485 during office hours (Monday to Friday) or email: [email protected].

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