M Ravi has become a ghost of his former self. Photo: freemalaysiatoday.com

Lawyer and candidate in the General Election 2015, Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss has written on her Facebook page to recount the incident where she was physically assaulted by Mr M Ravi on Tuesday morning, who was accompanied by three other male individuals.

She wrote,

I was just physically assaulted by M Ravi. He was outside my office with 3 huge guys. I was approaching my office when he came towards me with the 3 guys. Then he spoke to me. I did not want to hear him, so I smiled and attempted to walk away, then he pushed me to the floor. I fell down. Then he took my handbag, briefcase and lunch bag and threw them at me. Then he told the 3 men that I had hit him, which I did not touch him AT ALL. Then he took my shoes and threw them at me. I stayed on the floor because I was shocked at his physical attack. Also because he kept ranting and making accusations, all the while kicking my things which have been strewed all over the corridor (my handbag was unzipped when I let it go when I was pushed to the floor). Eventually people who were walking to the toilet or who come out upon hearing his rants, saw me on on the floor and knew that I was being victimised. So they came and surrounded me and told me not to react to him. I wanted to hit back at him too (who wants to be victimised), but I knew that I could not when he was bigger than me and also had 3 huge men with him. So held my cool until M Ravi decided that he had enough (since now there were third parties around me) and he walked away, hurling remarks at me as he went. I am shaken. This happened 10 mins ago in the corridor outside my office.

Funny, while I am angry at being man handled by this madman, I am more angry at the fact that immediately after he pushed me to the floor (because I did not want to stand there and hear him rant at me) he then turned to his audience of 3 huge men (thugs) and declared that he had pushed me because I hit him – which is a shameful lie. He then repeated the lie to justify his intimidating actions in kicking my belongings, ranting, picking it up and throw it down again.

To those of my friends who are now asking me, Am I alright? My answer is NO, I am not alright. My heart is beating fast and I feel shaken.

I am not hurt in anyway, because I fell on my side and he only pushed me down but did not strike me or cause me injury. But I am outraged at being physically shoved and man handled.

Former TOC Chief Editor, Joshua Chiang wrote on his Facebook in regards to Ms Aruldoss’ recollection,

“If this were true, and I have no reasons to doubt Jeanette, having known her to be a trustworthy person, then M Ravi, you have crossed the line. I don’t give a fuck that you are bi-polar. If you know that your bi-polarism makes you a risk to other people, then it is fucking irresponsible for you not to seek treatment.”

M Ravi has had a history of being medically diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder with manic relapses in the past and the consequences of such relapses have ranged from being forcibly remanded in the Institute of Mental Health (“IMH”) and more recently, being denied a practicing certificate. He was recently admitted to IMH due to his condition.

By his own admission and the accounts those many close to him, he has consistently refused to seek treatment and take his pills. He has also lashed out at anyone around him who suggests that he rests or seeks professional help.

The Online Citizen understands that Eugene Thuraisingam LLP, where Ms Aruldoss works at, is filing a police report against M Ravi for the assault.

M Ravi is also facing a charge of criminal trespass “with intent to annoy” for allegedly trespassing into the office of Eugene Thuraisingam LLP at People’s Park Complex.

Update: A friend of Ms Aruldoss and witness of the incident on Tuesday has spoken up in response to certain individuals’ claims against her.

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