Hongkong media, HK01 has reported that Mr Lee Hsien Yang and his wife, Mrs Lee Suet Fern arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport on Sunday afternoon. According to the media outlet, Mr Lee said that he is visiting friends in Hong Kong but did not reply other questions.
Mr Lee, who is the son of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, has been in the news due to the allegations made against his brother, Lee Hsien Loong for abusing his position as Prime Minister for personal agenda. On 14 June, he and his sister, Dr Lee Weiling had issued a public statement expressing their non confidence in their brother and their worry about Singapore’s future in his hands.
“We are concerned that the system has few checks and balances to prevent the abuse of government. We feel big brother omnipresent. We fear the use of the organs of state against us and Hsien Yang’s wife, Suet Fern.” wrote the two in the published statement.
The two also wrote, “We feel hugely uncomfortable and closely monitored in our own country. We do not trust Hsien Loong as a brother or as a leader. We have lost confidence in him.”
Mrs Lee was earlier quoted that she and her husband in the process of preparing to leave the country, however, declined to say when they would be leaving, or where they would be going.
The law firm that she was working for, Morgan Lewis & Bockius had earlier said that Mrs Lee stepped down as the managing partner of its combined practice in Singapore, but will continue to play a key role in its global strategy from offices in Singapore and Hong Kong. The firm was also quoted to have said that Mrs Lee will “continue to spend a significant amount of time in Singapore as well as travel to Hong Kong, as she already does in support of her strong client relationships there, and as head of our international leadership team”.
Mr Lee Hsien Yang, chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore was quoted by Financial Times, “I am not an anti-establishment, opposition figure. I have a long record of public service. It is heart wrenching for me to leave this country. It is not something I would do lightly.” and said “I have no desire to leave. Hsien Loong is the only reason for my departure,”.

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